Twenty-Nine Plant Memes For People Who Consider Plants Their Children

Taking care of plants is an underappreciated skill. While most of us would probably unintentionally kill them after a week or so, there are those of you who are dedicated plant parents who treat them as lovingly pets. Check out some more plant memes here while you’re at it!

Twenty-One Plant Memes For Those With A Green Thumb

We have to salute anyone who can keep plants alive for a prolonged amount of time. It’s like having an extra pet or something, and that’s too much damn work. So have some plant content below, and click here for some memes for people who love flowers, more specifically!

Seventeen Niche Flower Memes For Amateur Florists

You’ve heard of crazy cat people, now get ready for crazy plant people. These memes will only make sense to the latter, but that’s okay because you guys need something to do that isn’t obsess over buying more and more plants.  Thanks @freskyflowers for a majority of this excellent floral content!