37 Pickleball Memes More Humbling Than Losing (Again) to a Pair of Senior Citizens

The sun is out, the courts are dry, and Edith the 90-year-old woman living in your apartment complex just broke out her wrist guards–It’s pickleball season again, folks! For those of us too old or out of shape to play tennis, pickleball has become the latest craze in paddle sports. More physical than ping pong …
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25 Funny Memes You’ll Laugh at if Your Summer Bod Hasn’t Arrived Quite Yet

Striving to achieve a gorgeous summer, body is a common aspiration. when the weather starts heating up, you start wearing less clothes. In fact, tons of people start working on perfecting their summer physique way before the summer season arrives. Some folks are hitting the treadmill and the Stairmaster in the middle of winter because …
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25 Memes Everyone Who Can’t Swim Can Relate to Each Summer Season

Not knowing how to swim can be sort of embarrassing if you don’t want the world to know about it. A lot of people learn how to swim in their childhood, but if you didn’t have a chance to learn how to swim when you were young, it becomes more of an inconvenience as you …
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Fan Memes for Sweaty People Who Are Too Poor for AC

Call me a lizard person, but I love hot and humid weather. My hair doesn’t thank me, but it’s kind of fun feeling like I’m sitting in the middle of a swamp. However, this is on the extremely important condition that I have somewhere cool to retreat to when it all gets to be too …
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25 Relatable Memes for People Living Through an Excessive Heat Warning

For all of your friends who live in Northern regions summer is coming to a bittersweet end with temperatures cooling, pumpkin spice lattes returning to the menu, and fall leaves threatening to tumble any second.    But if you live anywhere in the Southwest or Southeast, it’s clear that everybody is getting ahead of themselves …
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25 Bad Mom Memes For Parents Who Can’t Wait For Their Kid’s to Go Back to School

As a kid, summer is magical. You have your freedom, you can do whatever you want, and there’s no homework. Life is good. As a parent, it’s pretty much the opposite.    With no childcare during the day, aka school, to look after your little mini me, the sole person in charge of your tiny-human’s …
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Women Tell Their Wildest Summer Vacation Hookup Stories

There is something about the sweet smell of summertime and the pure existential joy of vacation that really gets the hormones flowing! Whether it be the tanned summer bodies, the excess tequila, or a combination of both, nothing says ‘livin’ libido loca’ quite like a summer vacation! We have teamed up with dating blog The …
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