‘Your roommate is lying to you’: Crafty college student uses food delivery app to scam roommate out of free food

Food delivery apps are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They’re the lazy person’s saving grace. It’s almost like magic. You imagine a meal, and then with a few clicks on a screen, that meal is there in your arms, ready to be consumed. But like most magic I’m familiar with, it comes at a price. And in the …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your roommate is lying to you’: Crafty college student uses food delivery app to scam roommate out of free food

‘I think I’m gonna get raptured’: 92 year old grandma expertly pranks scam callers

There’s a reason that many younger people refuse to answer the phone to an unknown number, and it’s not just because of social anxiety. Scam calls are a nuisance that we all have to deal with from time to time, but unfortunately, they usually have the highest success rates with the old and vulnerable. At …
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‘I woke up to $500 in charges on my credit card’: PlayStation bans gamer for getting scammed, he makes parent company fly him to California

If we were to ask gamers about how they would describe many gaming companies, ‘good customer service’ would not always be at the top of the list. One of the downsides of having video games as an interest is that the relationship between distributor and consumer is not always the most friendly, and many gamers …
Seguir leyendo ‘I woke up to $500 in charges on my credit card’: PlayStation bans gamer for getting scammed, he makes parent company fly him to California

Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: ‘Sorry to use the details hee hee’

Back in the day, you had to be genuinely sneaky to be a scammer. There were no websites with people’s credit card information available for any old schmuck to purchase. In the 20th century, you had to pick a pocket or snag a fat juicy wallet off the ground and make some magic by purchasing …
Seguir leyendo Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: ‘Sorry to use the details hee hee’

Weekly Internet Roundup: Ad Spam on X, Kate Middleton Disappearance Rumors, and the Willy Wonka Immersive Experience

It’s been a wild time.

Willy Wonka experience uses AI renderings to sell tickets, delivers bleak nightmare: ‘They charged $45 for this’

Snake oil salesmen have been around as long as we’ve had snakes and oil. Conmen have been preying on our vulnerabilities for decades, if not centuries, and they find new ways to get us every year. Sure, maybe we’ve evolved past thinking a dubious «miracle elixir» that smells suspiciously like urine is going to make …
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‘Are they insane?’: Employee understandably turns down $2.50 job, employer wants ‘to talk’

The best thing about jobs is that they pay money. That’s kind of the whole gig. Sure, there might be some jobs we’d be willing to do for free, like playing with our amateur garage band at the local pub, cleaning up our grandmother’s yard, or helping a friend move (unhappily, but I’ll do it.) …
Seguir leyendo ‘Are they insane?’: Employee understandably turns down $2.50 job, employer wants ‘to talk’

Delusional Lady Charges People to Cat-Sit, Calls It a ‘Cat Cafe’

You call it a cat cafe, I call it a surefire way to accidentally ingest cat hair. And if I wanted to do that, I would have stayed at home. Based on the amount that my cat sheds… I’m probably unknowingly swallowing it more than I’d like to know.  That said, cat cafes are generally …
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“Next we’ll have food rentals”: Stingy restaurant charges bizarre fees for taking food to go

Going out to eat is an expensive venture these days. In my city, you can hardly get away from a dinner with a friend for under $50, and I’m just talking about your portion. Eating at restaurants is one of life’s greatest joys, though. I’m sometimes convinced that it’s the reason I was put on …
Seguir leyendo “Next we’ll have food rentals”: Stingy restaurant charges bizarre fees for taking food to go

Randomly Lucrative Loopholes Redditors Have Successfully Exploited

I never buy something online until I’ve done a thorough search for a promo code beforehand. Chances are you’ll find one, and you’ll never have to pay full price. It’s the smart way to shop, but that’s only level 1 in the scheme of deal-hunting and sneaky workarounds. When I was in my high school …
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