Snitch Employee Tattles to HR Every Time Her Coworkers Say Something Not PC

Unlike many Redditors at r/antiwork, I believe HR exists for a good reason. Even though human resources can care more about protecting the company’s interests over individual employees, those interests can often be aligned. If you’re being discriminated against in the workplace, HR will likely want to protect you by any means necessary. It’s terrible …
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Secret Shopper Gets Hired to Rat Out Employees, Gives Only Positive Reviews Instead

I always thought you’d have to be a total sociopath to actually want to be a secret shopper, but this redditor proves that not all secret shoppers are former hall monitors who always dreamed of being professional snitches. u/JurassicPark-fan-190 got the job, not to narc on unassuming retail workers, but to stick it to the …
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‘He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised’: Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it’s hard not to go full vigilante on them. Especially when you’re trapped in an office environment, sharing a cubicle wall with someone who thinks they’re running a late-night …
Seguir leyendo ‘He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised’: Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Snitch Gets Coworker Written-Up for Being Late, Coworker Gets Revenge by Arriving Early and Taking Snitch’s Parking Spot

What kind of person tattles on their colleague for being a tiny bit late due to traffic? What ever happened to worker camaraderie? What is there to gain by being a snitch? One redditor tells the story about how they maliciously complied after being written up for lateness due to a coworker’s loud complaints. Let’s …
Seguir leyendo Snitch Gets Coworker Written-Up for Being Late, Coworker Gets Revenge by Arriving Early and Taking Snitch’s Parking Spot