Funny Gems & Cringey Posts From the People of LinkedIn

Remember LinkedIn? The site where people you barely knew in college harassed you to connect, and your ex-boyfriend keeps stalking you? Well, not only does it still exist, but active users are regularly posting to the bygone website as we speak. Shocking, I know. But they really seem to be into it. If you haven’t …
Seguir leyendo Funny Gems & Cringey Posts From the People of LinkedIn

Funny Gems & Cringey Posts From the Depths of LinkedIn

Remember LinkedIn? The site where people you barely knew in college harassed you to connect, and your ex-boyfriend keeps stalking you? Well, not only does it still exist, but active users are regularly posting to the bygone website as we speak. Shocking, I know. But they really seem to be into it. If you haven’t …
Seguir leyendo Funny Gems & Cringey Posts From the Depths of LinkedIn

Funny Gems & Cringe Anecdotes From the Depths of LinkedIn

Remember LinkedIn? The site where people you barely knew in college harassed you to connect, and your ex-boyfriend keeps stalking you? Well, not only does it still exist, but active users are regularly posting to the bygone website as we speak. Shocking, I know. But they really seem to be into it. If you haven’t …
Seguir leyendo Funny Gems & Cringe Anecdotes From the Depths of LinkedIn

20+ Funny Gems & Cringe Anecdotes From the Depths of LinkedIn

Remember LinkedIn? Not only does it still exists, but active users are regularly posting to the bygone website as we speak. Shocking, I know. If you haven’t explored the depths of LinkedIn lately, we certainly can’t blame you, but you’re definitely missing out on some top-tier cringe. Thankfully, internet archivists like @stateoflinkedin does a wonderful …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Funny Gems & Cringe Anecdotes From the Depths of LinkedIn