A wise man once said, «I’m a creep. I’m a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here.» Creep is one of the most popular songs ever written, and it’s easy to see why. Everybody feels like a creep and a weirdo occasionally, and if you feel like it enough, it …
Seguir leyendo People Discuss The Creepiest Personality Traits of All Time
Gymgoer Causes Controversy After Thanking Man For Not Watching Her Squat
While the dedication to getting those #gains may be more popular than ever, unfortunately not everyone has the greatest time when going to the gym. This isn’t just a case of embarrassing yourself on the elliptical; if you’re a woman, there are also plenty of creeps out there who are all too happy to interfere …
Seguir leyendo Gymgoer Causes Controversy After Thanking Man For Not Watching Her Squat