Every kid with siblings knows that their parents have a favorite child, and most of the time, they also know who the favorite child is. As a middle child myself, I can tell you for a fact that I am not my parent’s favorite kid, and I probably never stood a chance. Despite being the …
Seguir leyendo Parents demand daughter pay for her ticket to family vacation, despite them paying for her sibling, daughter pretends to comply, then doesn’t show up on the day: ‘Have a nice trip’
Mom calls 24-year-old daughter a loser for saying her successful sister doesn’t deserve her cruise vacation: ‘Sara was a loser in high school so it isn’t fair that she has all this now’
As a society, we tend to have contempt for people who peaked in high school. It’s far from an enviable position, not having any accomplishments that level up to what you did as a 16-year-old. It’s pretty sad to still see the world through high-school-tinted glasses, but that’s the case for more people than we’d …
Seguir leyendo Mom calls 24-year-old daughter a loser for saying her successful sister doesn’t deserve her cruise vacation: ‘Sara was a loser in high school so it isn’t fair that she has all this now’
‘You care only about yourself’: Parents claim daughter abandoned them on an island after they failed to return to their cruise ship on time
Anyone who has ever been on a cruise ship knows that cruise ships wait for absolutely no one. Actually, no public transportation ever waits for their passengers. If you are not there before the departure time, they will depart without you, and you will have to figure out another way to get to your destination. …
Seguir leyendo ‘You care only about yourself’: Parents claim daughter abandoned them on an island after they failed to return to their cruise ship on time
Prankster Cruise Passengers Dupe Everyone Onboard by Pretending to Miss the Boat Launch, Jolly Banter Ensues
If you’ve never been on a cruise, you’ve felt a certain kinship onboard when you’re out at sea. Naturally, you’re all crammed in this enormous floating hotel, but more importantly, everyone who’s a passenger on the ship shares a mutual experience of adventure, luxury, and good vibes on the boat. You can make friends with …
Seguir leyendo Prankster Cruise Passengers Dupe Everyone Onboard by Pretending to Miss the Boat Launch, Jolly Banter Ensues
Weekly Internet Roundup: The Pop-Tarts Bowl Mascot, Stanley Cup Worship and 9 Month Long Cruise Drama
Plus, Gypsy Rose Blanchard enjoys freedom.
‘Is she a spy giving tips to other spies?’: Cautious TikToker demonstrates cruise safety tips, sparks debate about travel safety
When does an attempt to assure your safety tip over into paranoia? It’s a thorny question by anybody’s standards. It’s always wise to have your wits about you in an unusual environment, especially if you’re a woman. At the same time, there can be a thin line between taking lifesaving precautions and doing something that …
Seguir leyendo ‘Is she a spy giving tips to other spies?’: Cautious TikToker demonstrates cruise safety tips, sparks debate about travel safety
If Cruises Were Honest | Honest Ads
Cruises have been a luxurious way to vacation since, well, boats existed we imagine. Cleopatra’s barge definitely seemed like a private cruise of sorts. Anyway, despite the idyllic image of floating around the Caribbean, or perhaps the Greek Isles or Alaska, cruises aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be. And today, Cracked’s Honest Ads …
Seguir leyendo If Cruises Were Honest | Honest Ads
Travel Blogger Gets Hilariously Pranked by Cruise Employees with Dozens of Towel Creatures
She came back to her room and a crowd of towel dragons, mice, and more were staring at her.