Your Daily Dose of Vitameme C with These Orange Memes

Feeling like a cold’s coming on? Nothing vitameme C can’t cure!

A Citrusy Burst of Lemon-Related Memes and Things

It’s my belief that people take lemons for granted. Most stores, even the produce-phobic bodegas of Brooklyn, have a least a few to offer the acid-seeking individuals of the world. Lemons gussy up water. They add zip to salad dressings, their zest is crucial for many baked goods, and they taste good as hell in …
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French Farmer Laments TikTokers Who Ruined Rare Citrus Crop

Anyone who has encountered the world of social media influencing is aware of the scourge that is doing it for the ‘gram. From tourist hotspots to fancy restaurants, many spaces these days are overrun with people trying to get the perfect shot for that sweet taste of occasionally-monetized validation. In recent years, this thankless task …
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