‘My son after giving him a bottle of creatine’: 25+ exercise memes for fitness fiends

What’s with our desire to make our muscles as big as possible? Sure, there’s something evolutionary about wanting to be fast and fit so you can hunt better, but cavemen didn’t look like Mike Tyson. No, to my knowledge people didn’t get as huge as The Rock until the advent of gyms and protein powder. …
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25+ Exercise Memes for Fitness Fiends (March 30, 2024)

Working out is all fun and games until you actually feel like you’re going to die. Whenever I’m hitting a good workout, for the first 20 minutes I feel on top of the world. There’s a spring in my step, I’m glad I showed up, and I’m thinking about pushing myself a little harder. I …
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25+ Workout Memes for Fitness Enthusiasts (March 23, 2024)

I think most of us could stand to have a better relationship with our bodies. Most of us have things we wish we could change about them. If we could, some of us would make ourselves taller, slimmer, more built, or with less flat feet. But there’s no such thing as perfect. I prefer to …
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25+ Workout Memes for Fitness Enthusiasts (March 16, 2024)

Working out: it’s one of those building blocks of health that can’t be overlooked. Along with diet, friends, and environment, it’s one of the most important factors in determining how long you’re going to live. Oops, didn’t mean for that to be a memento mori! But it’s true– there’s so much we can do right …
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25+ Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (March 9, 2024)

We all know that exercise is good for us, but when it comes time to actually get sweaty, a lot of us chicken out. There are so many excuses we give ourselves in order to not go to the gym. «I don’t have time» is a big one. I do relate to that feeling. When …
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30 Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (February 24, 2024)

Exercise can take many forms: walking, swimming, practicing yoga, dancing, rock climbing… but for many, it means lifting heavy objects in a gym while looking at yourself in the mirror. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Gym culture is strong, and gyms are places where folks can find their inner power in a community …
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28 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 27, 2024)

I feel like we don’t talk about gym-timidation enough. That feeling of being scared to work out in front of others, for fear that they might judge you, your form, or think you’re stupid or something. This phenomenon happens to a lot of folks, and it keeps some from going to the gym at all. …
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30 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (January 20, 2024)

Something essential to a good workout is a good workout playlist. The right song can take you from feeling like a soulless cog in a machine to feeling like the star of your very own action franchise. Classically good workout songs usually have an elevated tempo and lyrics that make you feel like a badass, …
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Military Bro Accuses Woman Veteran of ‘Stealing Valor,’ Gets Owned

Most veterans do not want to discuss the details of their military service with random strangers, even if the person asking them questions about it also happened to serve. You’d think that a fellow veteran of all people would understand and respect this unspoken rule, but apparently redditor u/WhatKindOf__ never got the memo. He recently …
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Cringey Times NFT Bros Posted Their Ls Online

What ever happened to NFTs? This time last year, it seemed like NFT dudes and crypto bros were part of the new frontier of guys making poor financial decisions and getting endlessly roasted online about it. Now all you hear about NFTs is that they’re becoming more and more useless as time goes on. And …
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