‘I don’t think that your so-called friend is a nice person’: Inconsiderate woman insists men pay on double date, loses best friend and boyfriend

Deciding who’s going to pick up the check can mar an otherwise nice night with the stain of awkwardness. In our current era, in the world of dating, there is no standard rule for who pays. One one hand, that’s a good thing. People can go into dates without expectations, and avoid the potential power …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t think that your so-called friend is a nice person’: Inconsiderate woman insists men pay on double date, loses best friend and boyfriend

‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant

Thankfully, I’m not at the age where I’m starting to «lose friends» to parenthood, like the subject of this recent horror story. But I imagine that’s a hard thing to go through. You can have all the intention in the world of staying friends, but life will rapidly get in the way if one of …
Seguir leyendo ‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant