33 Memes to Stuff in Your Desk Drawer When You Take the Day Off

Tick tock goes the clock, and the party ain’t stopping no… Except it is, because you’re taking that much deserved PTO! You get a whole day off where you will most likely sleep halfway through. At least, that’s what I do when I don’t go to work. I wish I could say I’m an early …
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30 Chaotically Funny Posts From Wild Dudes

We all have that one friend who becomes a bit of a liability on a night out. You’re never quite sure what they’re going to do or where they’re going to end up, but you know there will be a story to tell at the end of it. These folks are important members of the …
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25+ Wild Tweets From Users With No Filter

Famously, the internet can be a pretty wild place. When we give humans the chance to hide behind avatars and usernames, they will say anything. And they have. Since the very first tweet was twote, folks have been saying things they would never say to your face. And sure, most of the time that’s not …
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20+ Silly Fake Celebrity News Stories That Are Almost Plausible Enough to Be True

It probably isn’t a good thing that as a society, we have chosen to put 0.01% of people up on a pedestal for us to gawp at with admiration. So long as celebrity culture exists, though, we may as well have fun with it. The rich and famous are often eccentrics, and the media do …
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Employees Reveal Their Wildest Stories From Current and Former Jobs

Few common experiences (aside from like, parenthood) change a person like a difficult job. Spending five days a week in an uncomfortable or combative environment is enough to make anybody see the world differently, and usually gives them a few tales to tell as well. I shudder to think of the very worst experiences that …
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35 Wildest ‘National Park Service’ Memes for Nature-Lovers Who Appreciate a Spicy Twist

Whoever is running the social media accounts over at the National Park Service deserves a raise. Although we all know our National Parks well, like Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Zion, Yellowstone, and the Grand Tetons, we often assimilate these natural wonders with splendor and might– instead, if you follow their official social channels, you’re more …
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30 Unhinged Memes for Humanoid Doom-Scrollers

Late at night when you’re all alone, the doorbell rings– there’s someone home. You can’t help but wonder if this is the end, but no, it’s just me, serving up a freshly baked batch of memes to soothe your needs.  Insomniacs have this nagging little problem of staying awake through the night, avoiding sleep in …
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‘Facebook Marketplace Gone Wild’: 20+ Nightmarish Second Hand Deals That’ll Make You Question Your Neighbors

They say that anything can be sold, but is that really true? Reselling used equipment and goods online has become all the rage these days– like thrifting. Not only are you helping the environment by reducing landfill garbage, but you’re also turning your neighbor’s trash into your own personal treasure. But on Facebook Marketplace, folks …
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Goblin Mode Memes For Goblin Boys And Gremlin Girls

It still makes me smile that «Goblin Mode» was Oxford’s 2022 Word of the Year. Say what you will about British dictionaries, but they sure have a sense of humor.  The idea that «Goblin Mode» is not a real word is simply hogwash. «Goblin Mode» is more of a word than the word «hogwash!» Words …
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Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (April 10, 2023)

Facebook is a unique place. It’s used by about 3 billion people globally, and yet the most frequent sentiment I hear is «Crazy that people are still on Facebook.» It’s ridiculed in my circles, dismissed as a place where boomers go to fight about politics, humble (or not-so-humble) brag and ask their peers about mystery …
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