20+ Silly Fake Celebrity News Stories That Are Almost Plausible Enough to Be True

It probably isn’t a good thing that as a society, we have chosen to put 0.01% of people up on a pedestal for us to gawp at with admiration. So long as celebrity culture exists, though, we may as well have fun with it. The rich and famous are often eccentrics, and the media do not hesitate to bring us all the gossip on their bizarre exploits. It’s the least they can do for us considering the amount of private jets they own. 

While celebrities can be a topic where truth is stranger than fiction, they also provide the perfect canvas for stories and rumors. While they’re not so great when done with the purpose of trying to sabotage reputations, they can be pretty funny when they’re at the more ridiculous end of the scale. You never know, maybe the headlines below aren’t as fake as we are led to believe. Maybe best not to speculate.

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