40 Mental Health Memes To Inspire Serotonin Production

Ah, mental health. Just as important as physical health but all the more slippery. You know when you’re struggling with something and someone says to you, «It’s all in your head!» It’s like yeah, buddy. That’s kind of the whole issue. Or the ever-present «Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never …
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39 Memes to Aid in the Transition to Springtime

Spring is here officially, but somebody needs to tell that to my brain. I was raised in a place where winter lasted far longer than any season should last, so I have residual winter trauma. It’s hard to let go and fully accept that the new season is upon us. Especially when the weather has …
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‘I wish I was full of eggrolls instead of emotions:’ 25+ memes that make us feel seen

I believe in radical honesty. I generally abide by the rule that it’s better to tell the truth than anything else. Even if the truth hurts to hear or hurts to tell, you can rest easy knowing everything is out in the open. As school teachers often say, “Honesty is the best policy.” But telling …
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27 Coquette Memes That Tie a Pink Bow Around Everything

If you don’t have a young, online woman in your life, you might assume coquette just means coy. Little do you know that it’s a whole aesthetic subculture, revolving around pink bows, lace trim, ruffles, and everything stereotypically girly. Think of how your mom wanted to dress you from ages 1-3. That’s coquette. And it’s …
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36 Memes That Don’t Get It Twisted

When someone starts a sentence with, «Don’t get it twisted…» You know they’re about to absolutely pop off on something or somebody. It’s one of those sentence-starters that can send a chill down your spine if you’re on the wrong end of it. Some other ones: «And just one more thing» or «Hey girlie I …
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30+ Mental Health Memes for Anyone Trying to Feel Better

For a highly complex organ, the brain sure can be dumb. A couple of minorly bad things happen to you when you’re a kid, for example, and then you find yourself as an adult having to learn special breathing techniques because you can’t deal with the fact that somebody spoke to you in the wrong …
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33 Memes to Stave off the Big Sad

Sometimes all that’s keeping you afloat is a good meme. The strings of your sanity are being tugged and one foul move could snap one. To the internet you come running, with searching eyes, looking for something to save you. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of. There, there.  January dawns, the air is chilled, …
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30+ Negative Nancy Memes For Sad Sacks Who Are Content With Being Bummed Out

It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to fester in your own negative emotions. I know firsthand what it feels like to think negatively about myself around the clock. You have to work hard to feel positive and good about the world, but negative vibes come to us without even trying that …
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31 Memes That Just Get It

One of the best feelings in the world is making a new friend. As you get older, it can get harder and harder to do, as people lock into their long-held relationships and are less open to new BFFs. But meeting someone you’re excited about hanging out with is a rare and beautiful thing. Having …
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Mentally Ill Memes For Sad Boys With Unseasonal Depression

Like many of my fellow Gen Zers, I learned all about mental illness on the internet. Everything I learned about depression, anxiety, and suicidality was on Tumblr dot com during the cursed year of 2012. I should’ve known from the second I set my eyes on a Superwholockian blog that this was a platform populated …
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