Company fires employee after they failed to provide mother’s death certificate 4 days after her passing: ‘I had to leave work Sunday night because my mom passed during my shift’

Companies can do things that are so evil that it’s difficult to even see it from the suit’s perspective. Sure, sometimes people are laid off despite being good workers, but usually, it’s because the company can’t afford to pay them. That’s not a nice explanation, but at least it isn’t outright cruel. A worker recently …
Seguir leyendo Company fires employee after they failed to provide mother’s death certificate 4 days after her passing: ‘I had to leave work Sunday night because my mom passed during my shift’

‘Isn’t it obvious?’: Toxic boss mysteriously stalks ex-employee on LinkedIn after abruptly firing them 3 months in

Getting fired from a job can kind of feel like getting broken up with. Someone has told you that they don’t want you around anymore, for whatever reason they’ve come up with. It’s a blow to the ego, it forces you to re-organize your life, and it takes a while to recover from. Especially if it’s out of the blue. You reach out to your friends for support, take some …
Seguir leyendo ‘Isn’t it obvious?’: Toxic boss mysteriously stalks ex-employee on LinkedIn after abruptly firing them 3 months in

Funniest Middle Finger Memes to Send Your Work Bestie to Meme-aphorically Give Your Boss the Bird

You can’t actually give your manager the bird, but you can do it through secret code (aka memes).

Company begs employee to tell them his work laptop’s password 6 months after he was fired: ‘Even I can do a hard factory reset’

Not every company in the world is the best at Information Technology. Some of them don’t even have an IT department, and it really shows. When there are computer problems, and nobody is there to fix them, it becomes exceedingly clear how much of the white-collar workforce is lowkey technologically illiterate. I am definitely guilty …
Seguir leyendo Company begs employee to tell them his work laptop’s password 6 months after he was fired: ‘Even I can do a hard factory reset’

‘They told her she is not capable of doing the job’: Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

Being an au pair sounds like an incredibly stressful job. You have to leave the country that you know and love to live with a random family and care for their children full-time. It sounds like being a foreign exchange student without being treated like a cool, fun novelty amongst your peers in this country.  …
Seguir leyendo ‘They told her she is not capable of doing the job’: Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: ‘I uprooted my life to move over here’

Relocation is a tough decision to make. If your entire social network lives in one state or city, leaving in search of an opportunity that may or may not serve you in the long run can feel hazardous. While that’s true, sometimes you get an offer you can’t refuse and choose to uproot your life, …
Seguir leyendo Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: ‘I uprooted my life to move over here’

‘Talk to a lawyer’: Company fires pregnant woman 12 hours before birth, creates perfect storm for a lawsuit

It is not uncommon to get fired for no reason in The United States. Sure, your boss might give you some cock-and-bull reason for firing you, but you often have no real way of knowing if that’s the true reason for your termination. There are rare occurrences when somebody gets fired so carelessly at such …
Seguir leyendo ‘Talk to a lawyer’: Company fires pregnant woman 12 hours before birth, creates perfect storm for a lawsuit