‘Y’all were both kind of delusional’: Man asks his fiancé to re-home her dog after he moves in with 9-year-old daughter who’s allergic, she refuses

Allergies are no joke. If it’s an environmental one, like pet hair, then any space that has or has had a pet in it can become a no-fly zone for people with severe allergies. It’s just not worth the risk of a flare-up.  But what happens when you’re dating someone that has a pet? Dating …
Seguir leyendo ‘Y’all were both kind of delusional’: Man asks his fiancé to re-home her dog after he moves in with 9-year-old daughter who’s allergic, she refuses

Overly-generous daughter doesn’t give mother her usual ‘monthly contribution’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

When it comes to your parents, you likely want to give back what they gave you when you were a child. This means you’re either dishing out insults left and right or helping them out financially! Welcome to adulthood. Folks who have solid relationships with their parents often try to do right by their mom …
Seguir leyendo Overly-generous daughter doesn’t give mother her usual ‘monthly contribution’ so she can have spending money on vacation, mother becomes ‘cold [and] distant’

26-year-old plans trip to South Korea and Japan for her and 3 of her friends, backs out when friends add 3 other people to the trip without her permission: ‘It is kind of a logistical nightmare to plan a trip consisting of 7 people’

Planning a group trip is never easy, but there are certainly levels to its difficulty. Planning a trip with four people is a whole different ball game than planning it with 7 or 8 people. Everyone who has done the latter has had some kind of nightmare situation as a result of it. This summer …
Seguir leyendo 26-year-old plans trip to South Korea and Japan for her and 3 of her friends, backs out when friends add 3 other people to the trip without her permission: ‘It is kind of a logistical nightmare to plan a trip consisting of 7 people’

Thanksgiving guest sends a bill to his daughter-in-law who hosted dinner, claiming he spent more money on supplies, she adamantly refuses: ‘His father DIDN’T host!’

If you have a normal, run-of-the-mill family, the holiday season is likely a polarizing time for the entire group. While we love our in-laws, siblings, cousins, and parents, spending any length of time together reminds us why we moved out in the first place the day we turned 18 years old. So when we’re all …
Seguir leyendo Thanksgiving guest sends a bill to his daughter-in-law who hosted dinner, claiming he spent more money on supplies, she adamantly refuses: ‘His father DIDN’T host!’

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a «Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List» after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

When it comes to a parent’s child, it’s in everyone’s best interest not to mess with them. In most cases, the parent knows how to raise their child and what works for their family dynamic. Even if another family member disagrees with their parenting style, it’s not up to them to change it without their …
Seguir leyendo Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a «Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List» after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

‘It doesn’t feel like I was ever truly raised, more like survived’: Neglected daughter refuses to be ‘aging’ mother’s primary caregiver after years of being treated like her least favorite child

When you grow up with siblings, it’s difficult to refrain from participating in the unavoidable favoritism contest. Many parents often set a toxic precedent early in their children’s lives that makes them feel like they’re less than them because they lack the traits their siblings possess. As a result, it’s even more difficult not to …
Seguir leyendo ‘It doesn’t feel like I was ever truly raised, more like survived’: Neglected daughter refuses to be ‘aging’ mother’s primary caregiver after years of being treated like her least favorite child

Woman refuses to bankroll her mother-in-law’s lifestyle, denying her husband’s promise of $4,000 per year: ‘They were extremely irresponsible with their $’

There’s never an easy answer when it comes to caring for your elderly parents. Nowadays, with an aging population, it’s common to see older folks becoming a burden on their children after a lifetime of squandering wealth and opportunity. But for Gen Xers who have already seen their fair share of struggle, one more mouth …
Seguir leyendo Woman refuses to bankroll her mother-in-law’s lifestyle, denying her husband’s promise of $4,000 per year: ‘They were extremely irresponsible with their $’

‘If she didn’t care, why should I?’: Mom ditches her 8-year-old bioson for her ‘new family,’ then gripes years later when he refuses to invite her to his wedding

This mom followed up with far too little, far too late when she decided to attempt to forge a relationship with her 26-year-old son after abandoning him 12 years before. The reason for her sudden change of heart? His impending nuptials.  I used to be a wedding coordinator, so I’ve seen all sides of the …
Seguir leyendo ‘If she didn’t care, why should I?’: Mom ditches her 8-year-old bioson for her ‘new family,’ then gripes years later when he refuses to invite her to his wedding

‘Good luck finding your soup’: Pie bandit ruins his sister’s Thanksgiving contribution, so she returns the favor by tearing the labels off of every canned item in the pantry

Sibling rivalries can start fairly easily, but stealing your sister’s Thanksgiving contribution is a good way to fast-track a feud before the holidays. Growing up in the same household, brothers and sisters are constantly being compared, and while some comparisons lead to an appreciation of the other’s skill, sometimes it leaves one sibling becoming an …
Seguir leyendo ‘Good luck finding your soup’: Pie bandit ruins his sister’s Thanksgiving contribution, so she returns the favor by tearing the labels off of every canned item in the pantry

Woman tells off boyfriend’s family after 3 years of being forced to sleep on an air mattress during the holidays, entitled family goes back on their sleeping arrangement ‘rules’ when it benefits them

Visiting your partner’s family during the holidays is always an interesting experience. You’re delving into unknown territory and you never know when you might be acting out of line around people you should be on your best behavior around. When they start acting out, though, is when you get a pass. After all, you’re in …
Seguir leyendo Woman tells off boyfriend’s family after 3 years of being forced to sleep on an air mattress during the holidays, entitled family goes back on their sleeping arrangement ‘rules’ when it benefits them