‘This is basically selling your soul, it’s so pointless’: Middle class man’s daily routine gets roasted for being boring, fellow 9-5ers rush to his defense

When you are a kid, it’s easy to look at a 9-5 like it’s a constrictive indicator of a boring life. They can’t understand how somebody who goes to work every day, does the same thing, and goes home can possibly be happy. When you’re young, adult life can sound like an escape from the …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is basically selling your soul, it’s so pointless’: Middle class man’s daily routine gets roasted for being boring, fellow 9-5ers rush to his defense

30+ Gymnastics Memes That Stick the Landing on Accuracy

Gymnastics: where the floor is lava, the bars are monkey business, and the beam is a tightrope over a pit of judgmental judges. It’s a sport where contorting your body into impossible shapes earns you applause instead of a trip to the chiropractor. Ever tried doing a cartwheel after a decade of not even attempting …
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‘Create a routine for before exercise’: Time-saving life hacks from titans of optimization

I’m all about optimization and efficiency. If there’s something to be done, I want it done in the quickest and most effective manner possible. When it comes to washing my hair, I have an exact routine, down to the hand motions. It feels like a choreographed dance and it gets the job done every time. …
Seguir leyendo ‘Create a routine for before exercise’: Time-saving life hacks from titans of optimization

30 Gym Memes for the Exercise Obsesses and Devoted Gym Rats (August 19, 2023)

Welcome back, weekend gym warriors and those devoted to the art of exercise! It’s that time of the week again. No, not leg day. It’s meme day! After a recent move, it’s no longer convenient or even practical for me to continue attending my old gym. I will always cherish the memory of my old …
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Hater Tries to Bully Wholesome Small Business Owner, Gets Schooled by the Rest of Twitter

I know I’m not alone when I say that one of the things I hate most about internet culture is how relentlessly mean it can be. At the first sign of controversy, it repeatedly stamps on the fine line between legitimate criticism and bullying. While I’d like to think most people who display these behaviors …
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25 Gym Memes for the Exercise Obsessed and Hardcore Gym Rats

Last week, I went to the gym for the first time in at least a year. Most likely longer than that. It felt incredible! The satisfaction that comes from committing oneself to a full, rigorous gym routine is unmatched. The next day, it felt terrible. It’s easy to forget how hard muscle aches hit you …
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Funniest «This Is My Daily Routine» Memes From Successful Entrepreneurs

We’re always told that there is a certain formula that will lead us to success, as preached by those who are successful. Its tenets are usually quite predictable: get up before 6am, throw in a run or some yoga somewhere, and spend the rest of your time focusing on your grindset. Rich parents help, too, …
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Mesmerizing Life of Stay-At-Home Girlfriend Sparks Discussion and Ridicule

At one point or another, all of us have wished we had more free time in our lives. If we could just work a few less hours, or not have to spend half our weekend doing chores, then we could start on that project we always dream about, or even just relax for once. What …
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Lady Shares Morning Routine With Husband, Gets Hounded by Angry Singletons

Earlier this year, a screenshot of a comment under a TikTok went viral. The video portrayed a woman cooking, with her boyfriend cuddling her from behind. The text explains this is because «[his] love language is physical touch». An irate viewer reacted underneath the video: «i wish everyone who is happier than me would die.». …
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El juego de terror espacial Routine reaparece casi una década después del anuncio original

Raw Fury ha publicado un nuevo tráiler de Routine. Este título de terror en primera persona de Lunar Software se anunció hace casi una década y desde entonces hemos visto poco material. Mick Gordon (Doom) compone la banda sonora de este título ambientado en una base lunar abandonada con estética retrofuturista. Read more