Funny Tweet Inspires Thread of Riffs On Classic Hallmark Movie Tropes

Picture this: You’re a woman in the big city who is working hard to build your cookie company. You have a few clients (most of whom you’ve known a long time, and happen to be very quirky) but the bills are stacking up and you are afraid you might have to go back to your …
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4 Weird Superhero Tropes Movies Won’t Stop Recycling

Superhero movies are here to stay and so, apparently, are their super strange tropes like superwomen smiling after being punched, «serious» superhero films taking place in insane asylums, and longing for some romance always leading to a loss of superpowers. «Doctor» Jordan Breeding is technically out this week, but thankfully The Incredible Spider-Professor Angry Hands …
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Video: 4 Teenage Movie Tropes Based On Nothing

Presumably, every single writer in Hollywood was at some point in time a teenager. At the very least, they probably inject themselves with teenage blood in order to keep their organs strong and their skin moist. So how in the world do they know nothing about them? Thankfully, «Doctor» Jordan Breeding is oft accused of …
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