Newly qualified attorney goes in for surgery, comes around from anesthetic reciting the Preamble to the Constitution: ‘[You] correcting yourself is the craziest part to me’

If you really think about it, tests are a crazy invention. The amount of knowledge you are expected to retain just so you can prove your competence has caused many a breakdown among stressed students who are at the point of sleep deprivation where they’re doubtful they can even remember their usual coffee order. This …
Seguir leyendo Newly qualified attorney goes in for surgery, comes around from anesthetic reciting the Preamble to the Constitution: ‘[You] correcting yourself is the craziest part to me’

‘I do not work there’: Boss asks for doctor’s note for employee’s wife’s surgery after she takes PTO to take care of her

When you’re a working adult, doctor’s notes become a thing of the past. When you must miss work to go to the doctor, you usually tell your boss, and they believe you. I understand why K-12 schools might want a student’s doctor’s note to prevent truancy, but they are still a bit of a hassle, …
Seguir leyendo ‘I do not work there’: Boss asks for doctor’s note for employee’s wife’s surgery after she takes PTO to take care of her

Amused Patients Share Funniest Statements Made by Doctors

I’ve spent some time in the hospital for a variety of reasons, and each time I was there, I met some really funny doctors and nurses whose sense of humor was elite. See, when you end up in the ER, you witness some pretty funny things. Yes, that sentence could have gone a completely different …
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‘Basically fired while on medical leave’: Boss eliminates employee’s position after she got 5 surgeries in 3 months

Disgraced dance teacher and former reality TV star Abby Lee Miller once said, «Everyone’s replaceable.» While that’s not true in a lot of contexts, it’s certainly true in the professional world. People often talk about how if you die, the posting for your job will go up before your obituary. Although morbid, there’s some truth …
Seguir leyendo ‘Basically fired while on medical leave’: Boss eliminates employee’s position after she got 5 surgeries in 3 months

People Share the Funniest Things Said by Patients and Doctors During Anesthesia

Surgery is a scary thing to go through, no matter how many times that you’ve experienced going under the knife. Getting your guts rearranged in the professional sense is not something that appeals to most, not least because of the potential for complications. At least these days we have the miracle of anesthetic to take …
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Medical Insurance Insists on Direct Billing for Dude’s Surgery, Gets Hit With More Expensive Bill

Getting sick or injured is a scary prospect wherever you live in the world, but in some places it’s more frightening than others. Healthcare costs money, and it’s never fun when you have to shoulder that burden yourself. In a country like the US, every other person probably has a horror story about making health …
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Company Causes Outcry Asking Employees To Donate PTO For Sick Co-Worker

The human body is a fragile, unpredictable thing. We spent all that time hundreds of thousands of years ago developing our brains that we forgot to let our bodies catch up with them, and now we’re susceptible to such a wide range of ailments that we accidentally created hypochondria. However, you wouldn’t think this was …
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‘Imagine Your Card Declines’ Twitter Meme Is Packed With Amusing Absurdity

Some of our favorite memes imagine situations in which arguably normal sh*t is met with an absurd and humorous response. This new Twitter meme definitely falls into that category. Since last week, Twitter users have been imagining what would happen if their cards were declined at therapy, or (even worse) during surgery. The responses, which …
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Twenty-Six Healthcare Worker Memes Because The Pandemic Ain’t Over Yet

It’s probably safe to say that most of us are extremely over the pandemic and its BS at this point, but sadly that won’t make it go away any faster. It’s important that we all keep social distancing as much as possible and wearing masks. Booo.  Now click here for some memes that’ll remind you …
Seguir leyendo Twenty-Six Healthcare Worker Memes Because The Pandemic Ain’t Over Yet