Mother-in-law constantly complains about the soda her daughter-in-law buys when she visits her house, first that the cans are too small and second that it’s not the soda she likes: ‘This is literally the soda she has at home’

I am an incredibly easy person to host. I’ll sleep anywhere, eat anything, and have one beverage that I consume every day: Diet Coke. I never cease to be surprised and grateful when I’m staying over at a friend or family member’s place, and they provide me with a 12-pack or a 2-liter bottle of …
Seguir leyendo Mother-in-law constantly complains about the soda her daughter-in-law buys when she visits her house, first that the cans are too small and second that it’s not the soda she likes: ‘This is literally the soda she has at home’

Weekly Internet Roundup: Ad Spam on X, Kate Middleton Disappearance Rumors, and the Willy Wonka Immersive Experience

It’s been a wild time.

30 Fizzy Memes for Diet Coke Connoisseurs to Sip On

Diet coke is not just a drink. It’s a lifestyle. It’s what gets us out of bed and keeps the wheels turning. The haters will say it’s not real. They’ll say it tastes worse and to that we say–more for us! A can of Diet Coke might as well be the holy grail of sodas. …
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Diet Coke Lovers React to News That Main Sweetener Aspartame is Carcinogenic

Few carbonated beverages have inspired a legion of dedicated fans in quite the way that Diet Coke has. There are people who genuinely can’t make it through the day without cracking open an iconic silver can or several. One of the things that Diet Coke enjoyers are adamant about is that it can’t be that …
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Funniest Coca Cola Memes for Carbonated Caffeine Fiends

I have to admit that I don’t care for the refreshing taste of Coca Cola all that much. I don’t dislike it, and I’ll gladly slam a Diet Coke (can only) when I need a minor caffeine hit and I don’t feel like a coffee. In terms of getting genuine pleasure out of it as …
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A Flood of Water Memes for Hydration Fans

When was the last time you looked in a mirror? Are your eyes sunken? Is your skin blotchy? Have you had a vague headache all day? If you answered «yes» to any or all of these questions, it might be time for you to drink some more water. We need to appreciate water a little …
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Elon Musk Shares Photo of Bedside Table, Immediately Gets Memed

His Twitter takeover may be veering from bad to worse, but Elon Musk still seems to be enjoying the added attention that he has been getting because of it. Against the odds, his diehard fandom keeps on trucking, and everyone who wants to make fun of him can’t help but enjoy the opportunity for new …
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A Snappy Selection of Memes & Things

Nearly everything in the modern world moves at a pace that would kill a medieval peasant girl. The level of productivity has shot up, and it doesn’t look like it will dwindle anytime soon. That reality is because we’re all conditioned to do things unbelievably quickly. The about of stuff we are expected to do …
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Caterer Gets Roasted For ‘Squid Game’ Style Breakfast Package

Between the ever-changing rules and an economy that occasionally threatens to collapse, small businesses haven’t had it easy over the past year or so. Improvisation has been the name of the game, and those looking to start new ventures have been coming up with some innovative ways to get them off the ground. In theory, …
Seguir leyendo Caterer Gets Roasted For ‘Squid Game’ Style Breakfast Package