Elevators are one of the most uncomfortable social environments the public has to offer. You’re trapped in a tube with a bunch of strangers. You’re packed incredibly closely with people of all different hygienic statuses. Worst of all, you’re supposed to stay silent to avoid making people uncomfortable. Everybody’s already uncomfortable in an elevator, and …
Seguir leyendo People Share The Worst Things To Say in an Elevator
Partygoers Left Gobsmacked By Woman’s Dramatic Birthday Entrance
When it comes to having a birthday, people tend to fall into one of two categories. The first is embarrassment, where every aspect of getting another year older is downplayed and you will possibly get murdered if you get a server to sing happy birthday to them in a restaurant. The second is the kind …
Seguir leyendo Partygoers Left Gobsmacked By Woman’s Dramatic Birthday Entrance
Guy Gets Trapped In An Elevator, Turns Into Hilarious ‘Cast Away’ Situation
Getting trapped in an elevator is a worst fear for a lot of people. This guy lived to tell the tale in Snapchat form when he got stuck in an elevator at work. Not going to lie, we’re a little disappointed that he didn’t resort to pulling a Bear-Grylls-drinking-his-own-pee scenario, but we can’t have everything …
Seguir leyendo Guy Gets Trapped In An Elevator, Turns Into Hilarious ‘Cast Away’ Situation