26 Memes for Plant Parents That’ll Leaf You Laughing

Ah, the joys and woes of being a plant parent. There’s something special about seeing your little green friends grow and thrive. The satisfaction of nurturing a plant from a tiny seedling to a fully-grown beauty is a feeling that only plant lovers can truly understand. And when your plant is going through a rough …
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40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
Seguir leyendo 40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

‘That’s A Spicy Meatball!’: Hairless Cat Chomps On Spiky Succulent As A Morning Snack

Word on the street is that a-purr-ently cactus is the new catnip, and we at ICANHAS are quite purr-plexed! In a purr-fectly bizarre and hair-raising spectacle, the world has witnessed a «cat-cus eating kitty» in action! This meow-ficent hairless wonder has amazed all of Reddit with it’s unusual morning delicacy – cactus kibble. We all …
Seguir leyendo ‘That’s A Spicy Meatball!’: Hairless Cat Chomps On Spiky Succulent As A Morning Snack

20+ Succulent Memes for Plant People Who Spend Their Entire Paycheck at the Garden Supply Store

Obsessions all have to start somewhere. For plant people, it probably started with some cactus that your roommate bought you in college as a joke– «You don’t succ to live with, love ya!» Then you realized that that little pokey-boy cactus actually needed a little more care than you thought. You start rationalizing small expenses, …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Succulent Memes for Plant People Who Spend Their Entire Paycheck at the Garden Supply Store