‘He cleared out his storage compartment between the driver and front passenger seats’: Stunned coworker details terrible secret Santa gift

Gift-giving is an art form that few are genuinely skilled in. To do it well, you need real knowledge and empathy for the person you are giving a present to, as well as being on top of the savage game that is the retail industry during the festive season.  To put it bluntly, it is …
Seguir leyendo ‘He cleared out his storage compartment between the driver and front passenger seats’: Stunned coworker details terrible secret Santa gift

Careless Boss Ruins Secret Santa Game After Forgetting to Buy Gift for Employee

Imagine being the only one who didn’t get a Secret Santa gift at the office and then finding out the person you were assigned to was your boss. That’s exactly what happened to one disgruntled redditor who vented to r/antiwork about feeling slighted and unappreciated by the bossman. Not getting a Secret Santa gift after …
Seguir leyendo Careless Boss Ruins Secret Santa Game After Forgetting to Buy Gift for Employee