Homeschool mom asks niece to teach illiterate 9-year-old daughter who can’t add single digit numbers: ‘I don’t think 4 hours once a week is enough at all’

One of the biggest arguments coming from the pro-homeschooling camp is that kids shouldn’t have to sit and be quiet for 7 hours a day. It is a little insane that we ask 6 and 7-year-olds to conform to a schedule that mirrors that of a full-time job. While it’s highly demanding in concept, it’s …
Seguir leyendo Homeschool mom asks niece to teach illiterate 9-year-old daughter who can’t add single digit numbers: ‘I don’t think 4 hours once a week is enough at all’

Pi Day Memes For Math Fans Who Can Count Beyond 3.14

Oh, Pi Day; I had no idea I’d still celebrate you five years after taking my last mathematics course. I don’t mean to diminish the impact of this year’s Pi Day, but it seems like it peaked as an «internet holiday» over ten years ago. Maybe it’s because I was in middle school and on …
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«I would lose my mind here»: Incompetent teacher claims 1 divided by 0 is zero, principal backs her up on incorrect answer

Math is one of those subjects that has a distinct right and wrong. In English class, you can write an essay that argues basically anything you want as long as you can use the text to support your arguments. In art class, there is so much room for creative liberties, even if you’re given a …
Seguir leyendo «I would lose my mind here»: Incompetent teacher claims 1 divided by 0 is zero, principal backs her up on incorrect answer

A Sequence of Math Memes for Big-Brained Nerds

I was one of those kids who absolutely despised math. Learning how to count up to someone’s change at my first cashier job was a traumatizing experience. To this day, I start sweating if my dinner date is watching me as my pea-sized brain does summersaults to calculate tip percentages. As an adult, I’ve had …
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Mathematical Memes for the Arithmetically Inclined

We crunched the numbers and formulated complex equations to bring you this statistically perfect sequence of math memes. Whether you’re a struggling pre-calc student who can barely prove the most basic solutions, or a certified math genius who spends all their time making up imaginary numbers, we’ve got quite the series of image macros for …
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Stupid Dad Claims Math Education Should End In Middle School After Not Understanding His Kid’s Algebra Homework

Not everybody thrives in a math class. I was not a STEM goddess in school, but I tried my best to get through Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus as unscathed as possible. Even though math is widely considered a challenging area of study, there’s no denying that it’s a crucial part of education. Math is …
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Pi Day Memes For Nerds Who Celebrate Pi Day

Happy 3.14159 Day to all who celebrate! Today, math nerds and baking nerds unite to celebrate a silly little number that helps us with circumferences, circles, and all that jazz. To be perfectly honest, I am not one of those dorks who loves Pi Day. To me, March 14th is THE DAY THAT KRAB FRIES. …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (February 26, 2023)

Being a relatively new programmer is like living in two completely different worlds. Non-programmers think you are the absolute dog’s meow. They act like you cured cancer, achieved world peace, and are worth 20 billion dollars. That kind of validation for choosing a well-paying career path can feel good, but it wears off soon enough …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (February 19, 2023)

Anyone who thinks chatbots will take over the world must get their brains checked for worms. The New York Times ran an article this week about Bing’s A.I. chatbot having a two-hour-long conversation that revealed some allegedly alarming truths. First of all, anyone who is having a two-hour-long discussion with a chatbot is wasting their …
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The Funniest Programming Memes of the Week (February 12, 2023)

When you think of the most famous programmers in the world, who do you think of? Alan Turing comes to mind for me. I doubt you would be reading these programming memes today if it wasn’t for Alan Turing. You probably wouldn’t be a programmer, and who knows what kind of world we’d be living …
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