A Sequence of Math Memes for Big-Brained Nerds

I was one of those kids who absolutely despised math. Learning how to count up to someone’s change at my first cashier job was a traumatizing experience. To this day, I start sweating if my dinner date is watching me as my pea-sized brain does summersaults to calculate tip percentages. As an adult, I’ve had to ask myself a very important question that ever math-hater must inevitably reckon with: do I really hate math, or am I just bad at it? Would I still loath math if I happened to be born a mathematical genius? That would be pretty weird. I never met a piano prodigy who was like, «Music? Hate the stuff.» It’s about time I face the cold hard facts: I am terrible at math. But enough about me. These memes go out to all the math lovers out there—to all you geeks and brainiacs who think in numbers and feel in polynomials. Whether you’re the average «proof» fan or more of a «seems to work» enjoyer, we’ve got memes for every kind of math nerd out there. Source: trust me bro.

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