Heartwarming Reactions to Pixar’s ‘Inside Out 2’ That’ll Have Your Feelings in Their Feels

We heard Riley has a deep dark secret—these reactions tell us all we need to know about it.

‘Zero contact for the first 30 days of the breakup’ : A Tiktoker’s Guide on How to Navigate a Breakup Correctly (Text)

Let’s be real. At one point or another, at least every single one of us has gone through a terrible breakup. Whether it was in your teen years or adulthood, it never does get easier. How could it? You’re pretty much parting with someone who’s been your person for the past months, years, or even …
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Relatable Adulting Memes For Those of Us Who Are Reluctantly Leaving Adolescence Behind

    Adulting is hard.   You have to feed yourself, clothe yourself, go to work, and clean your house. Not only that, but the decades have withered your young, spritely figure and now you’re only left with stress wrinkles, an ache in your neck you can’t seem to get rid of, and knees that …
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‘I’m Actually at My Emotional Capacity’ Memes Mock A Cold Tweet About ‘Emotional Labor’

People have been talking a lot about «emotional labor» lately, and most people have the concept wrong. Emotional labor actually refers to how we manage our emotions in the context of work – often adjusting how we feel and express our feelings to please a customer or an employer. In contrast, as people become more …
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