Funniest Car Memes for Automobile Aficionados

Like it or not, gaining access to a car is a right of passage. It expresses a lot more than your first, unfettered chance to operate a massive object at a high speed throughout your area as a 16-year-old. It’s beyond the danger of it. Getting a car is getting your first taste of full-on …
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Dude Uses 3D Printer to Try and Make New Year Glasses, Amusing Results Ensue

We didn’t know how good we had it on the eve of the millennium. The economy was still booming, we had hopes for a new century, and most importantly, the novelty glasses were easy to manufacture so we could see in the new year in style. Twenty three years later, things don’t seem to be …
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Coziest Sock Memes to Prevent Cold Feet

A lot of us don’t put a lot of thought into our underlayers, but they’re often one of the most important parts of our outfit. This is particularly true of what we put on our feet. Going through the day with cold toes or wet socks is a sensory nightmare, so we want to make …
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Woman Inspires And Horrifies By Using iPod Shuffles As Hair Clips

You don’t have to be clued up on clothes to know that the right brand name can take you a long way in the fickle world of fashion. There are as many high fashion designers out there as there are brands of cereal these days, and it can make it hard to be original. However, …
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23 Deep Thoughts That Could Only Happen In The Shower

Being in the shower is therapeutic for many reasons. You’re washing the day’s stress from your body in a sudsy and steamy chamber of relaxation. You can sing wildly without worrying that you sound like crap (if you don’t have judgmental roommates). You can act out hypothetical arguments and come up with brutal comebacks that …
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