Russian Interviewee Gets Told Their Russian is «Insufficient» by Job Interviewer Who Couldn’t Speak the Language

As someone who took at least five linguistics classes in college, you might call me a language expert. And as such, it’s my duty to share a few undeniable truths about language learning that many people do not know. Did you know that if you’re a native speaker of a language, congratulations, you are an …
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Literature Memes For Real Readers

As a former English major, I feel like I can easily scope out a «fake fan» of literature. I don’t care to do so on a regular basis because I have a life and a job, but put a so-called bookworm in front of me and I can scope out their vibe in less than …
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Weird Duolingo Sentences To Stimulate Your Broca’s Area

Language acquisition is not known to be quickly accomplishable or straightforward. Most of us spend four years in a high school classroom fruitlessly trying to learn French, Spanish, or German, to completely forget everything we’ve learned in the weeks after graduating. I even took three semesters of Russian language courses in college, which may or …
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Dank Russian Memes You’ll Tank Us For Later

Look, we know that not everything the West says about Russia is true – We know you all don’t go around yelling «сука блять» at everyone while wearing Adidas tracksuits every day. However, we do always love a good dank Russian meme and we hope you can appreciate them too.

Twenty-Seven Eastern European Memes And Pics To Czech Out

Eastern European food often gets a bad rap for being bland and containing nothing but meat and potatoes. Well, the second part of that might be true, but If you’ve never tried cabbage rolls, potato pancakes, or cheese pastries, then get on that right now because you’re majorly missing out.  Anyway, now that you’re nice …
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Expertly Translated Russian Memes That Prove Humor Is Universal

Ever wish you could understand Russian memes? We didn’t either until we learned about this wild Twitter account. The Russian Memes United Account does exactly that – and we’re starting to realize that all memers make the same kinda crap, language really doesn’t change much. From self-deprecating shitposts, to your standard cat meme, these Russian …
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