While some people treat Dad Jokes as a low form of humor, those of us who really know a thing or two about humor, know how hard it is to come up with genuinely good Dad Jokes. Not only does the pun have to make sense, but it has to have a certain level of …
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Categoría:dad jokes
Dad and 18-Year-Old Daughter Execute Epic 5-Year-Long Prank on Mom: ‘The facial expressions of everyone at the table were brilliant’
When it comes to family pranks, this dad and daughter duo really took it to the next level. After five years of plotting, their epic prank was finally set to unfold on the daughter’s 18th birthday, and it was nothing short of genius. The whole plan started when she was just 13, and together, they …
Seguir leyendo Dad and 18-Year-Old Daughter Execute Epic 5-Year-Long Prank on Mom: ‘The facial expressions of everyone at the table were brilliant’
28 Juicy BBQ Memes for Brisket-Loving Dads This Labor Day Weekend
When the weather’s warm and the sun is out, dads do what dads do best: firing up the grilling and preparing the smoker for a good ol’ fashioned BBQ. Labor Day is coming up, which means dads have an excuse to buy absurd amounts of steak, brisket, burgers, and pork to grill up for all …
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38 Hilarious Pun Memes That Offer a Puntastic Time
Like ‘em or not, it has to be said that in some ways, the humble pun is the epitome of humor. The combination of silliness and wordplay tickles a part of our brain in just the right way to leave us wanting more (or groaning at the effort that was made). While internet memes may …
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22 Bumper Stickers That’ll Have You Laughing Through the Carpool Lane
Bumper stickers are a great concept. We all drive around in various forms of cars, all in the same various shades of colors. It can make a commute quite boring, to say the least. So when you see a hilarious bumper sticker that catches your eye, it can be a great little mood booster as …
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39 Dad Joke Memes to Bring Some Extra Razzle-dazzle at the Family Group Chat
20 Puntastic Dad Jokes That Have to Be Groaned At
Some may find it hard to pinpoint the best thing about dads. When it comes to this website, though, we have no choice but to say that it’s their humor. There isn’t a father out there who hasn’t busted out a groan-worthy pun at the family dinner table now and then. For all that the …
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30 Full-Groan Pun Memes
A good pun is a bad pun. You know a pun is working at max capacity when you let out a full-throated groan after hearing it. A good pun should not make you chuckle, titter, or glow with appreciation of the teller’s intellect, it should make you emit a sound from the deepest part of …
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20+ Funniest Names Called Out in Hilarious Memes and Tweets
No name is safe…
Father’s Day Memes for Dads and Kids Who Love the Dad Jokes
A warm welcome to all the dads out there and those who want to celebrate them, today is your day. Almost any dude can become a dad, but it takes real effort to be a good one. That work isn’t for nothing, either, because every deadbeat is missing out on a crucial part of the …
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