30 Witty Technically True Jokes for the Connoisseurs of Dry Humor

Consider stashing these jokes in your back pocket for a rainy day – because let’s face it, not everyone might share our delightfully dry sense of humor. Even if someone doesn’t quite catch the subtlety, you can count on them to muster a polite chuckle and acknowledge the cleverness of these technically true jokes. Are they a bit corny? Absolutely. But that’s precisely what makes them the crème de la corny – the best kind of humor that never fails to bring a smile, rain or shine.

Sure, you might get called a dad for telling these jokes, but who doesn’t love a good dad joke? They might make us cringe a bit, but they’ve got their own fan base, and that’s kinda cool! They’re a timeless form of humor that brings a smile, even if it’s accompanied by an eye roll. So, go ahead and revel in the art of the dad joke – after all, making people groan is a unique skill worth celebrating!

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