I’ve said on here before just how much I love Wikipedia. It’s one of the last bastions of true information on the internet. Contrary to what your teachers told you in grade school, it’s usually a pretty reliable source, especially for the big articles that hundreds of brave editors cross-reference and edit. I could (and …
Seguir leyendo ‘There never was a 1940 film called Gaslight’: Chaotically good Wikipedia vandalism to make you giggle
Extracts From Wikipedia That Are Both Charming and Strange
In my humble opinion, one of the best things about the internet is how it allows us to know stuff. While it’s almost as easy to fall down a deranged conspiracy rabbit hole as it is to find out useful information, the risk is sometimes part of the fun. When it comes to knowledge, the …
Seguir leyendo Extracts From Wikipedia That Are Both Charming and Strange
Twenty-Nine WikiHow Memes For People Who Want Really Bad Advice
WikiHow illustrations were already pretty great to begin with, but they’re even better when you pair them with unsavory captions. Just scroll down to see what the heck we’re talking about, and click here if you’re in the mood for more!