‘Being obsessed with bacon. Or cats. Or narwhals’: 20+ things that were socially acceptable in 2010, but weird today

The second decade of a new century is often an odd one. It’s a time when people have mostly shaken off the influences of the previous hundred years, but they aren’t quite sure how it looks like the next few are going to pan out yet. In fact, they are the literal teen years of …
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Top Classical Art Memes for Old Souls Singing An Old Tune (May 1, 2023)

Curiosity leads us down puzzling paths, and if you were to look up the peculiar ways our ancestors used to live, you’d be grateful to be born in the 21st century, despite all the issues we’re dealing with today. The memes below depict the dark humor we need to use in order to lighten the …
Seguir leyendo Top Classical Art Memes for Old Souls Singing An Old Tune (May 1, 2023)