35 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (April 24, 2024)

Being a latchkey kid sounded like the dream back in the 80’s. Like every kid’s comic or TV series, all of a sudden there weren’t any parents around. No adults? It’s the dream! But for us Gen X kids, bidding farewell to our parentals before hopping on the bus to go to school was our …
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Nostalgic 2000s Kids Memes For True Gen Zers Who Don’t Remember The 90s

I am willing to admit I harbor nostalgia for the 2000s. It’s only natural for someone to look at the decade where they were under 12 years old for the whole of it with some rose-colored glasses. I’m aware that for most adults, the 2000s were not the most peaceful and fun time of their …
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37 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (April 17, 2024)

Growing up in the 80s was a riotous time. Hair was big, clothes were flashy, and everyone had something to prove. For us kids, growing up in the 80s was more about finding which parking lots were the best to hang out in, copping a smoke from the high schoolers on our lunch break, and …
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Savvy Out-of-State Grandma Creates a YouTube Channel to Read Books to Her Grandchild From Afar

They say that it takes a village to raise a child–and for a lot of people, that village comes in the form of family members. For previous generations, it wasn’t uncommon for your entire ‘village’ to live in the same city, spending quality time with the kiddos and being there for all the major steps …
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‘[My family] is not a Chinese takeaway’: Dad gets revenge on a local Chinese restaurant after they refuse to take his family’s phone number off of their menus

Remember the good ol’ days before caller ID and before everyone had a cell phone? We all had landlines with a 20ft cord that left a trail to whomever was hogging the family phone. If your older sister wasn’t clogging up the line with gossipy phone calls, your landline phone was likely sitting on its …
Seguir leyendo ‘[My family] is not a Chinese takeaway’: Dad gets revenge on a local Chinese restaurant after they refuse to take his family’s phone number off of their menus

34 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (April 9, 2024)

Do you ever think about the house you grew up in?  Everyone thinks that growing up in the 80s meant that your bedroom was full of bright neon colors, see-through landline phones, and an infinite sneaker collection, but anyone from Gen X can tell you that our house looked more like Eric Foreman’s basement in …
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36 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water

What’s the most important thing we learned from Oregon Trail? Always pay the ferryman to cross the river, because you WILL lose a wheel and perish in the rapids. For Gen X, in life, that’s been our motto! With the wheels coming off the wagon of life, we’ve somehow made it through without ever getting …
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‘Finish him’: 31 Nostalgic game catchphrases that live rent-free in your memory

If you’re anything like me, you struggle to remember where you put your keys, if you left the oven on, and where your second shoe is, but when it comes to recalling taglines and quotes from movies, music, or games, you’re an almanac of infinite knowledge. Cursed by selective memory, many gamers have grown up …
Seguir leyendo ‘Finish him’: 31 Nostalgic game catchphrases that live rent-free in your memory

A Kaleidoscope of 90’s Nostalgia Way Deeper Than the Ball Pit at McDonalds

I remember the 90’s. It was a time of unbridled commercials, spiky hair, fiery shirts, and a drifting moral compass that sugared us up better than Kool-Aid Jammer. We didn’t have Uber, cellphones, or Amazon Fresh–we had bicycles, gummy worms, and if we were lucky, a hand-me-down pager. We’d talk to our friends on the …
Seguir leyendo A Kaleidoscope of 90’s Nostalgia Way Deeper Than the Ball Pit at McDonalds

Goofy Elder Millennial Reveals Tattoo Designs Perfectly Capturing Your Late 30’s

Getting a tattoo is a big commitment. Unlike a piercing or getting grounded by your parents, this act of societal rebellion is slightly more permanent. For indecisive elder millennials still stuck in their rebellious teenage years, it’s a dizzying realization to acknowledge our adult autonomy– but it’s tough to narrow down what you actually want …
Seguir leyendo Goofy Elder Millennial Reveals Tattoo Designs Perfectly Capturing Your Late 30’s