Y’all ever wonder if there is such a thing as true evil? Yeah, me too. Perhaps everyone is the main character of their own lives and is convinced that everything they do is good. Then who is the jury that decides whether or not they succeeded? God? Fellow men? But on the other hand, how …
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25+ Philosophy Memes to Look at While You Consider the Trolley Problem
Ah, the old chestnut of the trolley problem. The age-old quandary that rattles every budding philosopher’s brain. Is it better to flip the switch and save five people? Or do nothing and save just one? There are endless riffs and variations on this question and even more ways to answer it. It’s a great discussion …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Philosophy Memes to Look at While You Consider the Trolley Problem
29 Philosophy Memes for Existentialists and Absurdists Alike
One of my favorite classes in high school was a course called Global Ethics. It was an intro course to everything philosophy and ethics, from Kant to Nietzsche and more. We would have the most interesting discussions and debates, getting into weedy issues with real-life ramifications. It was a good field of study for someone …
Seguir leyendo 29 Philosophy Memes for Existentialists and Absurdists Alike
Best Stoicism Memes That Would Make Marcus Aurelius Proud
The bad parts of life are always going to be inevitable. To experience personhood, we’re always going to come across disappointment and difficult situations in some form. We could spend our time getting upset about every little thing, or we could take the high road of what will be, will be. This is one of …
Seguir leyendo Best Stoicism Memes That Would Make Marcus Aurelius Proud
TikTokers Get Deep by Sharing Surprisingly Deep Quotes from Unlikely Sources like Children’s Shows and Video Games
Random tweets, games, bumper stickers, anime, your toddler, etc.—sometimes you just get smacked in the face with words when you least expected it.
20+ Tryhard Posts That Desperately Want To Be Deep
Thanks to the internet, it’s never been harder to be a teenager — and boy, are they going to let us know about it. Whether it’s the exposure to one too many TikTok dances or a resentment towards being left on read, there’s something about the internet that seems to churn out wannabe youthful culture …
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Philosophy Memes for Deep Thinkers
Whether you’re a fan of Plato, Kant, Marx, or Nietzsche, these philosophy memes have a little something for everyone. So scroll down to see ‘em, and then click here to view even more philosophical content!
Fifteen Philosophy Memes For Deep Thinkers
Whether you’re a fan of Plato, Kant, Marx, or Nietzsche, these philosophy memes have a little something for everyone. So scroll down to see ‘em, and then click here to view even more philosophical content!
Twenty-Five Philosophy Memes For The Scholars Of Life
Thinking about «arguing,» even if it’s intellectual arguing, is giving us some PTSD flashbacks to Thanksgiving dinner with the family. In a few days, however, your nerves will settle and we’ll all be able to enjoy the finer things in life again. Unnecessary debates included. So whether you think the chicken came before the egg, …
Seguir leyendo Twenty-Five Philosophy Memes For The Scholars Of Life