32 Relatable Memes for Procrastinators Who Choose Memes Over Productivity

We all know that one person who claims to never procrastinate. You know, that one person who always seems to have their life together. But let’s be real; they’re probably just lying to themselves. Procrastination is a universal human trait. We all do it. In fact, procrastination is like a sport to some people. A …
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Explain Like I’m 35: What is IJBOL?

We could argue for days about what are the most important markers for defining shifts in internet culture. Many would point to the rise in new platforms, or would appeal to a certain style of meme. While both of these vital, 2023 has reminded us of a less obvious, but still essential factor in measuring …
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35+ Hilarious Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (August 3, 2023)

Becoming the proud owner of a dog can be an incredible experience. It can also be one of the most frustrating. The day you take in a puppy is great. You get to name the dog, play with it, and it still has that new puppy appeal. Give it maybe five days and you’ll understand …
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35+ Hilarious Cat Memes To Help You Laugh Through The Pain Of Finishing Another Weekend (July 2, 2023)

Well meow to you too, our fellow feline-loving comedians! Welcome back to our cozy little den, where we seek refuge from the Monday blues that pounce upon us with ninja-like stealth. Can you believe how quickly our weekend whiskers vanish into thin air? One moment, we’re basking in the glory of Saturday snuggles, and the …
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Funniest Memes for Fellow Overthinkers Who Are Unable To Give Themselves a Break

Do you overthink the way you overthink as you overthink? Join the club. Life is stressfully intense these days. Everything is so fast-paced and it can be really hard to keep up. Social media can contribute to our overthinking, and at other times serve as a stress reliever. It’s tough when you have so much …
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