37 Memes Fresher Than Your Laundry

Sniff, sniff. Hmmm, I love the smell of fresh laundry.  The hum of the washer and dryer welcome me like an old friend as I step into the laundry room with a basket full of dirty clothes. Sorting through the pile, I separate the whites from the colors because I, dear people, am a grownup. …
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‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

People are so, so annoying. On a flight, they’ll put their feet on your armrest (I cannot fathom how somebody dares to do this), they’ll push past you in line at the supermarket, they’ll block your car in when you’re about to leave for work… You know, the usual Karen stuff. Is there any good …
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38 Memes to Scroll Through on Your Coffee Break

You know the feeling when your eyes start to twitch from staring at your screen for too long? You get up to make yourself a cup of coffee because naturally, you need a break, and on the way to the kitchenette or whatever you have at work, you stumble into your boss. They give you …
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36 Memes to Scroll Through on Your Coffee Break

Coffee is my favorite thing in the world. Taking a break is a close second. So why not make a list of memes that combine the two? I think most people in the world enjoy a good cup of coffee. I know one single person who doesn’t drink it, and I’m cool with that, more …
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40+ Memes to Help You Through the Ups and Downs of Employment

Beep, beep, beep… That’s your alarm going off. Your hand reaches over groggily, trying to press snooze. Instead, you knock the small lamp off your table, which makes more noise than your alarm clock and boom, you are wide awake, and angry. Why is it that we are so much more irritable when we’re tired? …
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20+ People Expose the Cheapest and Riskiest Alcoholic Drinks in Their Country

I’m not a hugeee drinker, but something about this thread is so enticing. Given the 4.5k upvotes on the r/askreddit thread, I’m clearly not the only one who thought so too. So, one user hopped on over to Reddit to start a thread asking, «What’s the most drunk per dollar product available in your country …
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Funny Gems & Tidbits From the World of Tumblr

Lots of internet users seem to think that Tumblr dot com is ‘over’ or ‘dead.’ Not so! In fact, Tumblr is thriving. While X (formerly known as Twitter) users flail about in a panic, wondering if Elon Musk is about to destroy the whole platform once and for all with one big paywall, Tumblr users …
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (September 12, 2023)

When you have had an internet addiction for long enough, there comes a point when you don’t want to keep up to date with the latest platform or innovation. This is how many people felt when TikTok started getting big, myself included.  At the same time, this kind of thing often reaches a level of …
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30+ Memes to Provide Well-Earned Chuckles

So maybe you’ve had a long day. Maybe your day is just beginning. You could be reading this at any given point, but as of writing this introduction, we’re in the middle of the week.  It’s that point in time when everything seems like a little bit of a slog. You could look at it …
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40+ Fresh Tweets From the Amusing Minds of Twitter (July 22, 2023)

Being entertaining on Twitter is an underrated skill. It’s already a talent to be able to capture a relatable cultural zeitgeist in a way that’s witty, but doing it with a character limit makes it all the more impressive. Over the past decade and a half, we’ve become so accustomed to iconic tweets being screenshotted …
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