20+ People Expose the Cheapest and Riskiest Alcoholic Drinks in Their Country

I’m not a hugeee drinker, but something about this thread is so enticing. Given the 4.5k upvotes on the r/askreddit thread, I’m clearly not the only one who thought so too.

So, one user hopped on over to Reddit to start a thread asking, «What’s the most drunk per dollar product available in your country and how bad is the hangover?» When I saw that question, it instantly took me back to my college days when we’d pretty much drink anything. Remember the OG Four Loko recipe? Yeah, let’s not even go there.

There’s a common theme of answers in the thread, and if you know anything about alcohol at all, you can probably guess which drinks I’m hinting at. So, just keep scrolling because it’s pretty darn amusing to read people’s stories about their adventures in cheap boozing and the accompanying hangovers that follow.

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