Are you in the «healing your inner child» part of your therapy journey? Let these memes cheer you on!
Amused Patients Share Funniest Statements Made by Doctors
I’ve spent some time in the hospital for a variety of reasons, and each time I was there, I met some really funny doctors and nurses whose sense of humor was elite. See, when you end up in the ER, you witness some pretty funny things. Yes, that sentence could have gone a completely different …
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30 Witty Higher Self Memes for Women Healing Their Chakras with Crystals & Tarot Cards
Greetings, ladies! If you clicked on this listicle, chance is you’re going through a life-transforming event that may or may not have flipped your entire world around. Whether it’s a breakup, divorce, or any other change – just know, you’ve made it safely to CheezCake – your safe space for all things humor and femininity. …
Seguir leyendo 30 Witty Higher Self Memes for Women Healing Their Chakras with Crystals & Tarot Cards
People Share the Dumbest Ways That They Injured Themselves
Here is a sobering thought: we are all a lot more physically fragile than we think! Our bodies can do plenty of amazing things, but it only takes a split second of bad luck or poor decision making for something to happen that will affect us physically for the rest of our lives. Also, it …
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Weekly Internet Roundup: MrBeast Stays Controversial, A New Day for Twitter, and the Badness of the Good Doctor
Here we go again.
Wholesome/Funny Collection Of Memes, Tweets and Reddit Posts In Honor Of The Holiday Season Spirit
‘Tis the season to be jolly, after all. There is so much ridiculous crap on Reddit, that we got kind of tired of sifting through it and decided to lighten the mood and examine r/WholesomeMemes and r/MadeMeSmile. Suddenly – boom, a spiritual awakening. We saw the light at the end of the tunnel – WE …
Seguir leyendo Wholesome/Funny Collection Of Memes, Tweets and Reddit Posts In Honor Of The Holiday Season Spirit
‘Free Therapy’ Twitter Thread Is Chock Full Of Wisdom
One of the greatest casualties of sub par healthcare is the accessibility of psychotherapy. Meaning, it’s woefully inaccessible for most people. The copay is often exorbitant, even if your provider takes insurance, and it’s practically a full time job looking for a quality therapist. The whole process makes fighting depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses seem …
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Twitter Thread Of ‘Free Therapy’ Is Chock Full Of Wisdom
One of the greatest casualties of sub par healthcare is the accessibility of psychotherapy. Meaning, it’s woefully inaccessible for most people. The copay is often exorbitant, even if your provider takes insurance, and it’s practically a full time job looking for a quality therapist. The whole process makes fighting depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses seem …
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