Funny ‘Would You Rather’ Memes to Keep You Pondering the Bizarre

Remember playing would you rather on the play ground as a kid? The questions would be something wholesome like, «would you rather have candy every day for the rest of your life, but never get recess again or never eat candy again, but have recess forever?» And then as you got old the questions started …
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An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials’ Nostalgia Funny Bone (January 6, 2023)

Don’t you wish you could just set an away message sometimes? Like, in any situation where you need a break—at work, in a relationship, feeling awkward at a party, just needing a break from adulthood in general, or anything. Us millennials need time to rest these days, we’re not like our ROFL young selves anymore. …
Seguir leyendo An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials’ Nostalgia Funny Bone (January 6, 2023)