If you did dry January, kudos to you. But chances are, you’re deep into February and wouldn’t turn down a vodka cran on a Tuesday. Sure, alcohol isn’t the best for your health, but neither is sadness. So you belly up to your favorite neighborhood gin joint, and you’re taken into the loving embrace by …
Seguir leyendo 27 Bartending Memes for Mixologists Who Care About Ice
21+ Memes for Bartenders Who Worked New Years Eve
Bartending is already a chaotic storm most nights. Add a party holiday into the mix and it is pure pandemonium. If you have never worked a shift like New Year’s Eve behind the bar, than you may be lucky. Or weak. Only one way to find out… And then there are the senior bartenders who …
Seguir leyendo 21+ Memes for Bartenders Who Worked New Years Eve
Bartending Memes For All the Saints Serving Up the Sauce
Being a bartender may seem like a glamorous and perk-filled gig to some people, but it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be. While it may seem fun and benevolent to be getting people drunk, the duty comes with the bonuses of semi-frequent vomit, belligerence, creepy guys, finger-snapping, and people who expect freebies. Even as …
Seguir leyendo Bartending Memes For All the Saints Serving Up the Sauce