27 Guacamole Memes That Know They Are Extra and Act Like It

There are few pleasures in life greater than a nice scoop of freshly made guac. For me, it’s one of the main reasons to go out for Mexican food. It’s the perfect blend of creamy, fresh, salty, and flavorful, and it goes with so much. Chips, of course. Tacos and burritos, naturally. But have you …
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A Beefy 5-Layer Burrito of Memes Filled with Beans and Cheese

If your burrito ain’t bursting at the seams, then you just don’t get it… 

Dude records Chipotle employee to get larger portions, gets criticized for being embodiment of the surveillance state: ‘They don’t get paid enough for this’

If you’ve been around the fast food block, you’ve probably heard the complaint that Chipotle doesn’t put enough meat in their bowls. I’ve never particularly had a problem with this: every time I’ve eaten Chipotle, it’s been so filling I didn’t need to eat again for at least another 8 hours. However, that doesn’t stop …
Seguir leyendo Dude records Chipotle employee to get larger portions, gets criticized for being embodiment of the surveillance state: ‘They don’t get paid enough for this’

Judgmental Karen Calls Workers Eating Chipotle By Themselves A ‘Dystopian Nightmare’

Everybody does lunch breaks differently. Some opt to bring their own lunch and eat at their desk. Others might head on down to the company cafeteria for some grub. If you live close enough to home, you might even get to come back to your own kitchen to whip something up. However, if you’re feeling …
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Fast Food Worker Memes For Suffering Employees

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably spent at least some time slaving away in the greasy, soul-sucking world of fast food. You know the drill: long hours, low pay, and the constant stench of deep-fried despair. Sure, the fast food industry might not be the most glamorous line of work, but it’s a rite …
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Rude Coworker Keeps Stealing Dude’s Lunch, So He Crushes a Ghost Pepper in it and Finds the Culprit via Their Intense Coughing

They shouldn’t have been stealing someone else’s lunch if they can’t stand the heat.

Sheepish Guy Gives Away Chipotle He Ordered To The Wrong Location, Receives Overwhelming Response

Disappointments in life are all but inevitable, but receiving a disappointment when you’re hungry can feel like nothing short of the end of the world. If said let down is related to whatever you were about to consume, you can times that feeling by a thousand and cancel whatever you had going on for the …
Seguir leyendo Sheepish Guy Gives Away Chipotle He Ordered To The Wrong Location, Receives Overwhelming Response

Rude Coworker Keeps Stealing Guy’s Lunch, So He Crushes a Ghost Pepper in it and Finds the Culprit from Their Intense Coughing

They shouldn’t have been stealing someone else’s lunch if they can’t stand the heat.

Chipotle Dragged for Preventing Customer From Giving Generous Tip to Delivery Driver

Everyone knows that food delivery drivers are some of the most underpaid gig workers in the industry. Many drivers end up earning less than minimum wage. And on top of that, delivering food while navigating apps can be dangerous business. In 2021, The New York Times reported on a survey of delivery drivers facilitated by …
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