Aunt buys deoderant for 14-year-old nephew who’s getting bullied for his foul scent, gets chewed out by his crunchy mom for overstepping boundaries: ‘She said I caused irreversible damage to his self esteem’

Everybody remembers the smelly kid in middle school. Even if you don’t think you remember, somewhere in the annals of your mind is the girl who never wore deodorant and subsequently had difficulty making friends. If you were like me or any of the boys at my middle school, you would baptize yourself daily with …
Seguir leyendo Aunt buys deoderant for 14-year-old nephew who’s getting bullied for his foul scent, gets chewed out by his crunchy mom for overstepping boundaries: ‘She said I caused irreversible damage to his self esteem’

42 Pretty Good Memes For The Alleviation Of Boredom

Good evening. We’re here tonight to remind you that it’s okay to be bored. We all experience the sensation of having nothing to do and feeling utterly listless. If we’re being honest, things have been more boring than ever. But that doesn’t mean you should resort to trolling people on social media or drowning your …
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