If you’re as online as we are, you’ve probably heard about the whole Bean Dad saga by now. You know, the guy who bragged on Twitter about watching his nine-year-old daughter struggle to open a can of beans for six hours. Anyway, the grown-up daughters and sons of Twitter have been texting their own dads …
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Categoría:bean dad
Twitter Cancels ‘Bean Dad’ After A Series Of Unfortunate Tweets
If you’ve been on Twitter at all over the past 24 hours, chances are you’ve heard about the sorry saga of John ‘Bean Dad‘ Roderick and his epic Twitter downfall. If not, we’ll catch you up to speed. On Jan 2, @johnroderick posted a marathon of a Twitter thread, boasting at length about refusing to …
Seguir leyendo Twitter Cancels ‘Bean Dad’ After A Series Of Unfortunate Tweets