25 Friendsgiving Memes for Hungry Homies Riding the Gravy Train Every Night During Thanksgiving Week

There’s two types of Thanksgiving celebrations out there. One is a family roast where aunties and cousins gather to eat a bird and question each other’s life choices. The other is a riotous gluttony-fest where best friends get together, nearly burning the house down after hotboxing the living room and drinking a case of wine. …
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23 Wholesome Friendship Memes That Value Our Relationships

Much has been said about the fact that we are currently living through a loneliness crisis, particularly when it comes to men. I’m not going to deny that this is real, but I think that many go in the wrong direction when it comes to ideas about solving it. The incel sympathizers of the world …
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18 Wholesome Best Friend Memes For Inseparable Besties

Nothing makes me feel happier than hanging out with my closest friends, and I hope that never changes. I might be getting to an age where a lot of people start prioritizing romantic partners and kids over their platonic connections, I find it hard to imagine myself doing that even if I do pursue those …
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20 Sparkling Memes for Baddies Whose Bestie is Their Wingwoman

A wingman is someone who stands by a guys side and helps them pick up chicks at the club. Wingmen back up their homies but the ultimate goal, even if they go their separate ways at the bars, is to take home a nice juicy double. Since men are from Mars and women are from …
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28 Friends Memes For The Central Perk Squad Stuck in Second Gear

This iconic sitcom is long over, but has left a hilarious, relatable legacy for generations to come… and what better way to celebrate this legacy than by giving it new life through memes? From Ross and Rachel’s dating saga (were they on a break?), to Ross’s iconic ‘pivot’ moment, to Joey’s special love for pizza, …
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The Best (33) Spicy Memes to Savor the Flavor of Frozen Laughs

Whether you’re feeling down because of work, friends, the mess in your room, the freezing wind when you already have a cold, the door that makes a creaky noise, your runny nose because of said freezing wind… turn to memes. When in doubt, AKA when you have no idea what kind of a mood you’re …
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