30+ Memes For The 30+ Crowd

I hate when people in their thirties claim that they’re old. They are clearly baiting people to tell them they aren’t old, and I refuse to engage in such self-aggrandizing bait. Obviously, if you’re 30-39, you’re in the prime of your life. Everybody knows this, and yet few are willing to acknowledge it.  Being a …
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Cake baker refuses to make $1000 cake for sister’s wedding, sister is offended when she outsources the job: ‘I do not give gifts that expensive’

If you’ve ever bought a custom cake, you know that they tend to cost way more than you might expect them to cost. You think, «It’s just sugar, eggs, and flour, right? Why do I feel like applying for a loan at the bank?» But cake is an art, and art takes time.  Cake decorators are …
Seguir leyendo Cake baker refuses to make $1000 cake for sister’s wedding, sister is offended when she outsources the job: ‘I do not give gifts that expensive’

‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

Childcare is expensive. Anyone with a kiddo or who has contemplated having children knows that there’s only one cheap/free option when it comes to childcare–begging your parents to watch the little sprout. If the grandparents are happy to spend some quality time with their grand-baby, you may be in luck, but if you’re looking for …
Seguir leyendo ‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

‘This is called a task-based interview’: Industrious woman invites first date over to help her weed her garden, date is hesitant

In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, «First dates are like job interviews with cocktails.» They’re usually stilted, awkward, and usually just a volley back and forth of questions and answers. «What do you do for work? Do you like it? Where did you grow up? Do you have any siblings?» Back and forth until you’re …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is called a task-based interview’: Industrious woman invites first date over to help her weed her garden, date is hesitant

New mom faces pushback for calling out fellow plane passenger who complained about her 9-month-old baby on 24 hour trip: ‘My biggest fear on a long haul’

I really sympathize with people who have to go on airplanes with young children in tow. It’s not easy doing one of the most soul-destroying forms of transport known to man while also somehow placating your kids. By the same token, I can’t deny that my heart sinks if I get to my seat and …
Seguir leyendo New mom faces pushback for calling out fellow plane passenger who complained about her 9-month-old baby on 24 hour trip: ‘My biggest fear on a long haul’

Redditors Share Laughably Bad Purchases They Wish They Could Undo

You don’t labor diligently all day long in vain. You work hard to maintain a standard of living that you find acceptable. That being said, you can probably admit to not being quite confident about every purchase you’ve ever made. You must have made some purchases that you felt were beneficial and that you later …
Seguir leyendo Redditors Share Laughably Bad Purchases They Wish They Could Undo

20 Funny Bunny Memes Hopping Through the Forest, Scooping up the Field Mice and Bopping Them on the Head

There are very few holidays with an animal mascot. Christmas has reindeer, but they are total side characters in the overarching Christmas narrative. Halloween has some bats and black cats, but they’re nothing compared to Jack O Lanterns or witches. Easter is the only holiday I can think of that says, «A giant bunny man …
Seguir leyendo 20 Funny Bunny Memes Hopping Through the Forest, Scooping up the Field Mice and Bopping Them on the Head

El remaster de Beyond Good & Evil saldrá la semana que viene

Aunque ya se habían filtrado varias informaciones al respecto de este proyecto, Ubisoft acaba de desvelar una nueva versión de Beyond Good & Evil. Esta edición presenta gráficos remasterizados y está pensada para conmemorar el 20 aniversario del juego, que se publicó originalmente en el año 2003. Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition saldrá …
Seguir leyendo El remaster de Beyond Good & Evil saldrá la semana que viene

‘It was a test of desperation’: Employer schedules interview at 7 AM and keeps candidates waiting for 8+ hours, fed-up workers react

Almost everyone in the working world will tell you that being on time is an essential skill. In showbiz, they say, «If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you’re dead.» A bit harsh, but it’s the maxim of most employers across the globe. In fact, some would …
Seguir leyendo ‘It was a test of desperation’: Employer schedules interview at 7 AM and keeps candidates waiting for 8+ hours, fed-up workers react

The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (June 20, 2024)

Good stuff: it happens all the time, but we don’t always put in the effort to notice it. The fact is, life can have a way of making us so blinkered and focused on whatever petty issues we may care about at any given moment that we forget to stop and smell the roses. The …
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