Insecure Dad Tries to Brush of Daughter’s Stepfather as Her Nanny, Gets Put in His Place

Sometimes, the best family we have are the ones who aren’t blood relations. The one upside to being a kid who has a deadbeat parent is that you can have a chance for someone better to come along and make up for them. While this certainly doesn’t always happen, it’s heartening to hear stories where …
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‘She’s become like a third parent to the kids’: Douchey Dad Hires Nanny, Gets Annoyed When She Does Her Job

The only thing harder than being a parent is having to parent somebody else’s kids. We can assume that most people who become nannies do so because they’re genuinely good with children, but they often have to be just as savvy with their actual employers as well. Those who earn enough money to get hired …
Seguir leyendo ‘She’s become like a third parent to the kids’: Douchey Dad Hires Nanny, Gets Annoyed When She Does Her Job

Insane Ad For Nanny Gig Requires Masters Degree & Paying For Kids’ Snacks In Exchange For Pay of $18 a Day

When I was in high school, I made enough money babysitting for 12 hours that I was able to buy illicit substances that will remain unnamed. Friends of mine saved thousands over the span of a year just taking care of rich peoples’ children in their own neighborhoods. While I don’t remember my exact wage, …
Seguir leyendo Insane Ad For Nanny Gig Requires Masters Degree & Paying For Kids’ Snacks In Exchange For Pay of $18 a Day

Insane Ad For Nanny Job Requires Masters Degree and Providing Snacks For Kids In Exchange For $18 a Day

When I was in high school, I made enough money babysitting for 12 hours that I was able to buy illicit substances that will remain unnamed. Friends of mine saved thousands over the span of a year just taking care of rich peoples’ children in their own neighborhoods. While I don’t remember my exact wage, …
Seguir leyendo Insane Ad For Nanny Job Requires Masters Degree and Providing Snacks For Kids In Exchange For $18 a Day

Overworked Nanny Requests Time Off For Sister’s Wedding, Horrible Boss Threatens to Fire Her

Taking time off, no matter what your job entails, is absolutely crucial for mental health and general wellbeing. But some employers either don’t agree with that, or simply don’t care. Such is the case of Redditor u/Nannyneedabreak, whose username kind of says it all. By her account, the twenty-two year old woman has been nannying …
Seguir leyendo Overworked Nanny Requests Time Off For Sister’s Wedding, Horrible Boss Threatens to Fire Her

Overworked Nanny Requests Time Off For Sister’s Wedding, Entitled Boss Threatens to Fire Her

Taking time off, no matter what your job entails, is absolutely crucial for mental health and general wellbeing. But some employers either don’t agree with that, or simply don’t care. Such is the case of Redditor u/Nannyneedabreak, whose username kind of says it all. By her account, the twenty-two year old woman has been nannying …
Seguir leyendo Overworked Nanny Requests Time Off For Sister’s Wedding, Entitled Boss Threatens to Fire Her

Italian Family Can’t Cope After American Nanny Shows Them Microwave Popcorn

The kitchen is one of the most impactful places to receive a culture shock. It can be hard to believe just how much our national identities revolve around the kind of food that we eat until we’re faced with the shelves of a grocery store in a foreign country, or presented with a method of …
Seguir leyendo Italian Family Can’t Cope After American Nanny Shows Them Microwave Popcorn