‘Square dancing’: Former students share the most useless things they learned in school

When it comes down to it, much of the information we learn in school does not pertain to our everyday lives. Sure, maybe the skills I learned in English class are pertinent to my current career, but I’m not thinking about the contents of my Chemistry or Physics classes regularly in my adult life.  To …
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‘Whatever you say, miss’: Teacher sends student to principal’s office due to bathroom breaks that were ‘too short’, student complies by taking 30-minute bathroom breaks instead

Remember those times when you were a teenager and would talk to adult relatives and they would tell you «Appreciate this time of your life, I would do anything to go back to it», and you constantly think to yourself, what is so great about being in high school? Well, now as an adult, I …
Seguir leyendo ‘Whatever you say, miss’: Teacher sends student to principal’s office due to bathroom breaks that were ‘too short’, student complies by taking 30-minute bathroom breaks instead

The Wildest Unpopular Opinions of the Week (February 11, 2024)

Unpopular opinions: everybody has them, but some people are better at gauging whether their opinions are actually unpopular than others. Let’s play a little game; I’ll share one of my unpopular opinions, and you get to tell me whether it’s actually unpopular or not! Here we go: I don’t think going to therapy inherently makes …
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«I would lose my mind here»: Incompetent teacher claims 1 divided by 0 is zero, principal backs her up on incorrect answer

Math is one of those subjects that has a distinct right and wrong. In English class, you can write an essay that argues basically anything you want as long as you can use the text to support your arguments. In art class, there is so much room for creative liberties, even if you’re given a …
Seguir leyendo «I would lose my mind here»: Incompetent teacher claims 1 divided by 0 is zero, principal backs her up on incorrect answer

Teacher Assigns Passive-Aggressive Crossword Puzzle After Student is Absent For One Day

There are many different ways for educators and school administrators to prevent truancy. The most crucial step is to meet with parents to figure out why a kid is repeatedly absent from class. The child or the parent might have health issues that the school doesn’t know about, or they might discover that a teen …
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Art Teacher Destroys Students Sculpture Trying to “Improve It”

Art can be a difficult subject to teach because there’s not technically a «right» or «wrong» way to do it. A lazy student can show up to art class, put no effort into their work, and claim that their low-effort piece came out exactly how they intended it to. That’s the oldest trick and the …
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Cruel Teacher Tells Student He’s «Not Normal» Because He Spilled a Drink

Everybody remembers a moment from school when a teacher abjectly humiliated them in front of the whole class. I have several such moments, but this one sticks out in my mind as being wholly inappropriate. I had a Mormon 8th-grade science teacher that I did not care for much. She literally forgot my name halfway …
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Strong Mother Stands Up to Teacher Who Tried to Make Her Daughter Babysit a ‘Problem Child’ on a Field Trip

I’m so glad I’m not in school anymore and no longer have to be the «buffer student.» Almost every former girl child knows what it’s like to be the «buffer student.» When teachers have «problem kids» in their class, they often seat them next to quiet and well-behaved kids (mostly girls) to attempt to mitigate …
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High School Student Eats Uranium During Lunch, Leaving Teacher Dumbfounded

Kids love eating things they aren’t supposed to eat. Whether it’s Play-Doh, a crayon, or those gross Harry Potter jelly beans, children love to push the boundaries with the non-food objects they’re willing to put into their mouths. Fortunately, kids usually grow out of this obsession by the time they reach high school. For some …
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Strong Mother Stands Up to Unfair Teacher Who Tried to Make Her Daughter Babysit a ‘Problem Child’ on a School Field Trip

I’m so glad I’m not in school anymore and no longer have to be the «buffer student.» Almost every former girl child knows what it’s like to be the «buffer student.» When teachers have «problem kids» in their class, they often seat them next to quiet and well-behaved kids (mostly girls) to attempt to mitigate …
Seguir leyendo Strong Mother Stands Up to Unfair Teacher Who Tried to Make Her Daughter Babysit a ‘Problem Child’ on a School Field Trip