Video games have come a long way since the nineties, but for me and many other nostalgia-poisoned millennials, nothing will ever top classic games like Crash Bandicoot. Naughty Dog’s first installment of the iconic jump ‘n’ run adventure might look like a bunch of polygonal blobs to today’s youth, but veteran Crash fans will never …
Seguir leyendo Dank Crash Bandicoot Memes for Naughty Dogs
Categoría:crash bandicoot
Nostalgic Gamers Recall Their Earliest Gaming Memories
Most of the time, the only ‘engagement’ that brand accounts manage to inspire is severe eye-rolling. But once in a while, the gold replies to a brand’s engagement bait make the cringe worth it. @Xbox’s simple, straightforward prompt incited a wholesome and funny thread filled with gamers gleefully accepting the journey to Nostalgia Town. Tell …
Seguir leyendo Nostalgic Gamers Recall Their Earliest Gaming Memories