Therapist Roasted Over Woefully Unfortunate TikTok Username

Everyone makes mistakes. But some mistakes are funnier than others. In a recent TikTok, Chicago therapist Zach Leezer shared a video addressing his, um, poor choice of a username. That username? It’s «@zachtherapist.» It could be read as Zach Therapist. Or it could be read as something a little more damning. If the dilemma seems …
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Trippy Twitter Tale Inspires Thread of Times Parents Ate Edibles

We’ve all seen those memes about the moment the edible hits and you’re blasting off to outer space. But what if you took the edible without actually knowing it would have psychoactive, trip-inducing properties? As marijuana and even shrooms become legal in some places around the country, these substances are being packed into some tantalizing …
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Tattoo Artist Gets Exposed For Blatantly Stealing Designs From Google

When you get caught in a glaringly obvious web of lies, the best policy is generally to just own up to it. Nobody’s falling for your BS anyway so it’s probably best to not make yourself look even more stupid. This «tattoo artist» blatantly stole a bunch of their designs from other artists off of …
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Amazon Delivery Mix-Up Turns Into An Extremely Awkward Situation

Sometimes the Amazon delivery people screw up, and that’s okay – they’re human after all and life goes on. And if you’re a decent person, you’ll handle the situation with grace. That means not turning into a Karen on a phone call with someone in India, and not knocking on every one of your neighbors …
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Minor Fails & ‘Whoops’ Moments of Bad Judgment

While we don’t think it’s cool to revel in the pain of others, these fails and muck-ups are mild enough for us to laugh at. From spelling errors to crappy design choices, these screw-ups have only caused minor inconveniences and (probably) just a bit of mild embarrassment. So you can push your guilt aside and …
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20+ Hilariously Questionable Logo Designs

It’s said that you learn something new every day. While that may not be true every damn day of the week, today we discovered that people really, really love to design logos that look suspiciously phallic or sexual. This batch of arguable design fails proves that even the great state of Vermont can fall victim …
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30+ Times Misspelled Words Led To Hilarious Confusion

Laughing at other people’s misfortunes isn’t nice, but we’ll let that slide with these misspelled words. While we do feel concern for the apparent lack of quality education these days, we can take solace in these amusing examples of unintentional humor and facepalm-worthy errors. We can’t all be geniuses but we can all laugh at …
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Cringey Times People Didn’t Know Who They Were Talking To

There are many ways to mess up when you don’t know who you’re talking to. In the case of Tony Hawk, people either experience face blindness around him or simply don’t believe he’s the real deal pro skater. In other scenarios, people accidentally (and confidently) ridicule or question real-deal authorities in the medical field. These …
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