Anti-Aging Billionaire Gets Clowned for Sharing 111 Pill Supplement Regime Meant to Stop Him Getting Old

Look, nobody enjoys getting old. I know that aging is supposed to be a gift, but the way our bodies fall apart with time is one of the most horrifying things about being alive. I’m still pretty young by anybody’s standards, and the amount of minor ailments I have in comparison to when I was …
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People Discuss What It’s Like to Grow Up Poor

If you know, you know. Growing up without a lot of money is a pretty specific experience. Obviously, the degree to which you experienced financial woe is a sliding scale. No one person’s experience is the same as the next. The main things that I remember, at least from childhood, are things like utilizing the …
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Twitter Users Discuss the Importance of Getting Dating Experience When Young

One of the biggest cultural movements of the past few years has been the nebulous phrase of ‘self-care’. Many of us have been consistently encouraged to be mindful of our own needs, find time to relax, and most importantly, protect our peace. While it’s a good thing to have some increased awareness of our mental …
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Millennial Bemoans Nonsensical Stereotypes About Being ‘Old’ in Your 30s

Technically speaking, everybody has been aging since the day they were born. However, it usually takes a little while for the mortality of it all to catch up with us. Many of us are lucky enough to spring into adulthood with flexible joints, minimal hangovers, and fast metabolisms, then one day it just seems to …
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15 Hilarious Tweets Mourning Victims of ‘Twink Death’

Youth does not last forever; for many people, that is unforgivable. This week, Twitter user @thenorthmens went viral after posting two pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio, one in the 90s and one now, with the caption, «twink death is a terrifying thing.» If you didn’t know, a twink is a slim, young, and hairless gay man. …
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‘I’m Too Old for This’ : Epic Relatable Thread for the Millennials With Greying Hair

Eventually, you reach that age where you feel…  for lack of a better word, ancient. It’s just… you’re so tired, and everything hurts all the time. You begin taking on yoga in a dire attempt to heal your aching body. And why does nobody tell you about hangovers lasting a total of three days?! That …
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Redditors Advise On All The Things Young People Need To Know

In all honesty, who has their entire life sorted by the time they hit adulthood? A lot of us think we know it all when we’re young, but the gap between what we think we understand and what we need to understand is often a wide one.  Nine times out of ten, the worldly wisdom …
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Paul Rudd Got Photographed In A Restaurant And Now Everyone Wants Him To Drop His Skincare Routine

In the shallow and youth-obsessed society in which we live, many of us fear nothing more than the aging process. The fountain of youth is a finite resource, but some people seem to get way more access to it than others. Not coincidentally, they often have access to a lot of money, free time and …
Seguir leyendo Paul Rudd Got Photographed In A Restaurant And Now Everyone Wants Him To Drop His Skincare Routine