‘Just accept the gift and say thank you’: Entitled family split opinion after rudely refusing to inherit boomer mother-in-law’s heirloom china

My grandma is what you might call a magpie. She has spent her entire life collecting things like jewelry, china, and antique furniture. As she’s gotten older, she’s been very clear that she intends to bequeath most of this to her kids and grandkids-even though she lives halfway across the world from some of them. …
Seguir leyendo ‘Just accept the gift and say thank you’: Entitled family split opinion after rudely refusing to inherit boomer mother-in-law’s heirloom china

Grandchild Sells Priceless Family Heirloom Without Asking the Rest of the Family First

Some items are easy to hold onto. If you have a precious ring or other jewelry worth a lot of money, it’s easy to hang onto that for generations to come. All you have to do is give it to the responsible daughter who knows where her possessions are and not to the spacey daughter …
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Greedy Family Demands Inheritance from Daughter They Refused to Support

Family drama can get messy. Throw any sort of inheritance issue into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Greed shouldn’t get in the way of familial relationships, but, unfortunately, people are money hungry by nature. I suppose that’s cynical; it’s just quite often true. In a post to the /r/amitheasshole subreddit, user …
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Entitled Brother Gets Slammed for Complaining About Sharing Inheritance With Older Sister Who Raised Him

Nothing heightens the stakes of terrible family dynamics quite like bringing money into the equation. Once everyone starts seeing dollar signs, every single buried hatchet seems to get unburied for another swinging.  Even when you don’t come from a rich family, inheritance means a lot to people. This is especially true when they feel like …
Seguir leyendo Entitled Brother Gets Slammed for Complaining About Sharing Inheritance With Older Sister Who Raised Him

Update: ‘[She] found out about it and threw a fit’: Aunt Karen tries to steal nephew’s inherited cars and gets herself arrested

Aunt Karen never seems to learn her lesson. About a year ago, this Redditor shared an epic saga involving the numerous cars he inherited from family members who passed away and his greedy aunt who kept scheming until she and her boyfriend found themselves in jail.   It’s funny how weddings and funerals seem to …
Seguir leyendo Update: ‘[She] found out about it and threw a fit’: Aunt Karen tries to steal nephew’s inherited cars and gets herself arrested

‘AITA for suing my parents for my college money?’ Parents use daughter’s inheritance to pay for son’s wedding

Every child should be able to trust that their parents have their interests at heart. That’s kind of the point of being someone’s guardian. But what happens when that trust is totally shattered by selfish and entitled parents? That’s exactly what happened to u/Accomplished_Bar5656, whose parents literally stole their two daughters’ inheritance from their great …
Seguir leyendo ‘AITA for suing my parents for my college money?’ Parents use daughter’s inheritance to pay for son’s wedding

Woman Leaves Inheritance Hidden Inside Purse Her Kids Donated To Goodwill

There is a spectrum of pettiness that we are all on, but some people go so above and beyond. Some special petty divas allow the pettiness they had in life to come through beyond the grave. Often this is communicated in the form of wills or inheritances. Who could forget a certain news anchor whose …
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Woman Leaves Inheritance Hidden Inside A Purse Her Kids Donated To Goodwill

There is a spectrum of pettiness that we are all on, but some people go so above and beyond. Some special petty divas allow the pettiness they had in life to come through beyond the grave. Often this is communicated in the form of wills or inheritances. Who could forget a certain news anchor whose …
Seguir leyendo Woman Leaves Inheritance Hidden Inside A Purse Her Kids Donated To Goodwill